POV Season 31 Episode 2
Season 31

Ep 2. Quest

  • June 18, 2018

In the second episode of POV's 31st season, titled "Quest," viewers are taken on a journey through the everyday lives of an African American family living in North Philadelphia. The film captures the tumultuous ups and downs of the Raineys, a family uniquely equipped to navigate the challenges of inner city living.

With over a decade of footage, director Jonathan Olshefski provides an intimate and emotionally raw look at the lives of Christopher "Quest" Rainey, his wife Christine'a "Ma Quest" Rainey, and their daughter PJ from the early years of the Obama administration to the 2016 presidential election.

The documentary delves into the family's hardships, including the search for affordable healthcare and Christopher's brush with poverty after he was shot on the job. Despite the struggles, the Raineys maintain a remarkable sense of hope and optimism, deriving strength from each other and their community.

Through this lens, viewers are also given a glimpse into the reality of life in a predominantly Black community, providing insight into issues facing many urban neighborhoods across the United States.

Overall, "Quest" perfectly captures the complexity and rawness of life, grounded in the everyday struggles of this remarkable family. The film is an unflinching but ultimately inspiring portrait of one American family, and a powerful rejoinder to the injustices that so many Black families continue to face today.

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  • First Aired
    June 18, 2018
  • Language