Reckless Disagreement

Watch Reckless Disagreement

  • 2017
  • 1 Season

A genius Internet Recluse walks you through the truth "They" don't want you to know about the most egregious movie tropes, tired storytelling shortcuts, and more of the things the Hollywood Elite uses to trick you about the nature of the world.

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5 Things Hollywood Gets Wrong About Smart People
4. 5 Things Hollywood Gets Wrong About Smart People
September 20, 2017
There are a lot of things we don't expect Hollywood to understand: technology, relationships, how the common person lives ... but you'd think they'd at least know how represent smart people, right? (Spoiler alert: wrong.)
Everything Hollywood Doesn't Understand About Poverty
3. Everything Hollywood Doesn't Understand About Poverty
August 30, 2017
Have you seen the Showtime's Shameless house or Daredevil's apartment? It's clear that Hollywood's millionaires' lack of understanding what poverty is has so tainted the viewing audience's brain, that we think even sort of not great living conditions are truly horrific.
5 Reasons Rogue One Ruined Star Wars
2. 5 Reasons Rogue One Ruined Star Wars
July 28, 2017
Rogue One' pretty much ruins Star Wars in ways the first three prequels wish they could. Man, Tarkin is creepy as hell...
Hollywood Doesn't Know How Drinking Works
1. Hollywood Doesn't Know How Drinking Works
June 18, 2017
Deadpool, Lord of the Rings and every James Bond sequel maybe great movies but they have no idea how human beings drink booze.
  • Premiere Date
    June 18, 2017