Reply 1994 Season 1 Episode 14
Reply 1994
Season 1

Ep 14. The People Who Changed Me (1)

  • December 6, 2013
  • 89 min

The show Reply 1994 is a Korean drama series set in 1994 which follows the lives of a group of six university students living in a boarding house in Seoul. Season 1 episode 14, titled The People Who Changed Me (1), provides an exploration of individual transformation and the power of relationships.

The episode begins with a reunion between the group of friends at the boarding house years after graduation. During the course of the reunion, the characters, who have all gone their separate ways, reflect on the friendships formed during their time living together and how those relationships have influenced and changed them.

The episode focuses on each of the characters as they recount moments and individuals that have left a lasting impact on their lives. The first person to reflect on the people who have changed them is Sam Cheon-po, who expresses his admiration for Chilbong, the star baseball player at their university. While Sam initially felt threatened by Chilbong's skills, he ultimately recognized the dedication and hard work that made Chilbong the impressive athlete that he was, and found himself inspired by his unwavering commitment to his passion.

Next, the episode moves on to Yoon-jin, who shares her story of meeting her high school friend, Yang Seon-jae. Yoon-jin had always been a model student, focused on her studies and the pursuit of academic excellence, but Seon-jae introduced her to a world beyond schoolwork. Seon-jae encouraged Yoon-jin to let loose and enjoy life, opening her eyes to new experiences and a more freeing way of living.

Joon, the comedic member of the group, tells the story of how he found his calling as a comedienne thanks to his meeting with his senior, Sook-sun. Joon had always been an entertainer, but it wasn't until Sook-sun recognized his talent and offered him guidance that he truly embraced comedy as his future. With Sook-sun's mentorship, Joon was able to grow and hone his skills as a comedic performer, eventually becoming a professional in the industry.

The next story comes from Na-jung, the protagonist of the show, who shares her story about her relationship with her oldest brother, Dae-shik. Na-jung had always admired Dae-shik's strength and self-sufficiency, but it wasn't until she witnessed him suffer from heartbreak that she truly understood the depth of his character. Dae-shik's vulnerability made Na-jung realize that even the strongest people can have moments of weakness, and that it's okay to ask for help and support.

Last but not least, the episode concludes with the story of Jung-hwan, Na-jung's love interest. Jung-hwan recounts the time he spent with his uncle, who taught him the importance of standing up for what you believe in. His uncle encouraged him to be vocal about his convictions, and to never be afraid to fight for what he thought was right. Jung-hwan's uncle taught him the value of integrity, and inspired him to always stand up for his principles.

The episode ends with the group reflecting on how they have changed and grown thanks to the people they have encountered along the way. Their reminiscing serves as a reminder that even the smallest interactions can have a profound impact, and that it's important to cherish the people who have helped shape who we are.

In summary, season 1 episode 14 of Reply 1994, titled The People Who Changed Me (1), offers a thought-provoking exploration of personal transformation and the role of relationships in shaping our lives. Through the stories of each character, the episode illustrates the profound impact that individuals can have on each other, and reminds us to appreciate the people who have helped shape us into the people we are today.

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Reply 1994, Season 1 Episode 14, is available to watch free on Pluto TV and stream on tvN. You can also stream, download Reply 1994 on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    December 6, 2013
  • Runtime
    89 min
  • Language