Roadies Season 1 Episode 2
Season 1

Ep 2. What Would Phil Do?

  • TVMA
  • July 3, 2016
  • 7.6  (236)

In Roadies season 1 episode 2 titled "What Would Phil Do?", the crew of the Staton-House Band continues to move from one engagement to another, with the latest being at a luxurious country club. As the roadies prepare for the concert, they come to know about the lead singer's obsession with Philip Seymour Hoffman, who passed away just before the concert.

Phil was like a mentor to the lead singer, and he is devastated after his death. He starts to prepare his eulogy, which he plans to deliver before the concert starts. The roadies are unsure about how to react and what to say, as the lead singer is very emotional about the situation. However, they decide to be supportive and help him in any manner possible.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew sets up the stage and sound equipment for the performance. They face several challenges, including rough terrain while moving the equipment. Additionally, the band's equipment truck gets stuck on a hill, and they must find a way to move it.

While all this is happening, the lead guitarist faces an issue with his guitar. He realizes that it has been tampered with and is no longer in tune. The lead guitarist suspects that the bassist, Rick, is responsible for this as he had developed a rivalry with him. Rick had been giving a hard time to the lead guitarist on the road, and the lead guitarist believes that this might be his way of getting back at him.

As the day progresses, the roadies become increasingly tense about the coming performance. They are still unsure about how the lead singer's speech will turn out and whether it will affect the crowd's mood. Additionally, they are afraid that the sound equipment might fail them, and they won't be able to put up a good show.

Finally, the band takes to the stage, and the lead singer delivers his eulogy. As he speaks, the audience feels his pain and anguish, and they become even more excited about the performance. The band captivates the crowd with some of their most popular numbers, including many from the deceased actor's favorite playlist.

The performance is a great success, and the band is elated. The roadies breathe a sigh of relief as everything went smoothly. They realize that this is the life they have chosen, and they cannot be too cautious about every small detail. They need to take risks and believe in their abilities.

The episode ends with the roadies moving on to the next venue, where they will face another set of challenges. The show's narrative is gritty and realistic, giving viewers a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes before a band goes on stage. The characters are well developed, and viewers can relate to their struggles. The show has an excellent soundtrack and features many popular bands and artists. Overall, "What Would Phil Do?" is an exciting episode that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

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  • First Aired
    July 3, 2016
  • Content Rating
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.6  (236)