Robot Trains Season 2 Episode 7
Robot Trains
Season 2

Ep 7. Let Gary's Wisdom Shine

  • September 16, 2018
  • 13 min

In the seventh episode of Robot Trains season 2, titled "Let Gary's Wisdom Shine," we see our beloved Robot Trains going on another fun-filled adventure. The episode opens with Kay, Alf, Duck, and Selly sitting in the train station, making idle chit-chat about various things. Suddenly, they hear a loud explosion, which shakes the ground beneath them. Panicked, they rush out to see what happened. They see a massive crater in the distance and smoke billowing out of it.

Our little heroes decide to investigate the explosion to find out what caused it. As they approach the crater, they see that it is home to a strange, talking rock named Gary. Gary is an animated rock that has the ability to see into the future. The Robot Trains are amazed by Gary's powers, and they ask him to share his wisdom with them. Gary tells them that he can see an event in the future that will have disastrous consequences for the world, and their mission is to prevent it from happening.

The Robot Trains quickly get to work to stop the event from happening. They realize that they need to find the source of the impending disaster. They follow Gary's guidance and finally arrive at the location where the disaster is set to take place. They see that there is a massive machine, which is creating a black hole that is slowly devouring everything around it.

The Robot Trains quickly realize that they need to destroy the machine before it's too late. They all work together, using their unique abilities, to take down the machine. After a grueling battle, they finally succeed in destroying the machine, and the world is saved from the impending disaster.

Next, the Robot Trains return to Gary, and they thank him for his wisdom and guidance. Gary tells them that he is proud of them and that they have shown that they are true heroes. He also shares some valuable life lessons with them and tells them to always be open to learning new things.

The episode ends with the Robot Trains returning to their station, where their friends are waiting for them. They recount their entire adventure, and everyone is awestruck by their bravery. The episode leaves us with a sense of wonder and amazement, as well as a feeling of hope that our heroes will always be there to save the day.

In conclusion, "Let Gary's Wisdom Shine" is an exciting episode that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The episode is full of adventure, action, and valuable life lessons that will resonate with children and adults alike. It is an excellent addition to the Robot Trains season 2 lineup and is sure to be a fan favorite.

Watch Robot Trains - Let Gary's Wisdom Shine (s2 e7) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Robot Trains, Season 2 Episode 7, is available to watch free on Tubi TV and stream on Janson Media. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Robot Trains on demand at Apple TV online.
  • First Aired
    September 16, 2018
  • Runtime
    13 min
  • Language