Rock The Park Season 2 Episode 22
Rock The Park
Season 2

Ep 22. Best of Wildlife: Big & Small

  • TV-G
  • April 30, 2016
  • 20 min

Rock The Park is an exhilarating television series that takes viewers on a thrilling adventure through some of America's most awe-inspiring national parks. In season 2, episode 22 titled "Best of Wildlife: Big & Small," the hosts Jack Steward and Colton Smith embark on an unforgettable journey to showcase the diverse wildlife that inhabits these remarkable natural landscapes.

As the episode begins, Jack and Colton find themselves in a pristine wilderness, surrounded by breathtaking scenery. They are immediately struck by the stunning array of creatures that call this place home. From majestic predators to the tiniest of insects, every corner of the park is teeming with life.

In their quest to document the "Best of Wildlife: Big & Small," Jack and Colton waste no time in venturing deep into the heart of the park. Armed with their cameras and an insatiable curiosity, they set out to capture the essence of these incredible creatures and the ecosystems they thrive in.

Their first encounter is with some of the park's most iconic "big" wildlife. The hosts come face to face with powerful and majestic animals, including grizzly bears, bison, and elk. Through their lens, they bring viewers closer than ever to these captivating creatures, revealing their natural behavior and the challenges they face in their daily lives.

The hosts also introduce us to wildlife experts and park rangers who share their knowledge and experiences, shedding light on the measures being taken to protect and preserve these remarkable species. From wildlife conservation efforts to tracking and monitoring programs, we gain insight into the dedicated work being done to ensure the survival of these magnificent animals for future generations.

While the presence of big wildlife is undeniably awe-inspiring, Jack and Colton recognize that the park's ecosystems are just as reliant on the smallest of creatures. They delve into the delicate intricacies of the park's ecological balance and shift their focus to the "small" wildlife that often goes unnoticed.

With their keen eyes, the hosts uncover a world of fascinating insects, reptiles, and birds that play crucial roles in maintaining the park's delicate ecosystem. From delicate butterflies and bustling ant colonies to stealthy reptiles and exquisite birds of prey, Jack and Colton reveal the intricate web of life that supports the park's larger creatures.

Throughout the episode, the hosts not only showcase the magnificent wildlife but also highlight the importance of conservation and responsible stewardship. They emphasize the significance of protecting these natural habitats and the need for continued efforts to ensure the survival of these vital ecosystems.

The breathtaking footage captured by the hosts and their compelling storytelling immerse viewers in the wonders of this national park, leaving them in awe of the incredible wildlife and the delicate balance of nature. Jack and Colton's contagious enthusiasm and obvious passion for the outdoors make this episode both educational and entertaining.

"Best of Wildlife: Big & Small" is a celebration of the extraordinary creatures that inhabit our national parks. Through their exploration of this diverse wilderness, Jack and Colton remind us of the profound beauty and importance of these wild spaces. Whether it's the mighty grizzly bear or the tiniest of insects, this episode encapsulates the magic of the natural world and encourages viewers to cherish and protect the incredible wildlife that surrounds us.

Watch Rock The Park - Best of Wildlife: Big & Small (s2 e22) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Rock The Park, Season 2 Episode 22, is available to watch free on Pluto TV, Plex and stream on Litton Entertainment. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Rock The Park on demand at Apple TV Channels, Amazon Prime online.
  • First Aired
    April 30, 2016
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    20 min
  • Language