Snapped Season 7 Episode 25
Season 7

Ep 25. Jane Andrews

  • June 6, 2010

Jane Andrews had it all. She was a successful personal assistant to Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, and was known for her bubbly and charming personality. She had a loving boyfriend, Graham, whom she had been dating for two years. However, on the night of April 17, 2000, Jane's life took a deadly turn.

Graham was brutally murdered in their apartment, and initially, Jane played the part of the grieving girlfriend. She even gave an emotional interview to the press, pleading for information from the public to help catch the killer. However, it soon became clear that Jane was the prime suspect in Graham's murder.

Police discovered that Jane had been obsessed with the idea of marrying Graham and becoming a part of the aristocracy. She was known to be jealous of Graham's close relationship with his female friends, and had even threatened one of them in the past. Furthermore, Jane had a history of lying and manipulating those around her, and had even stolen from Sarah Ferguson in the past.

The prosecution alleged that on the night of the murder, Jane and Graham had argued over his upcoming trip to Paris with one of his female friends. In a fit of rage, Jane had killed him with a cricket bat and then attempted to cover up the crime by staging a burglary.

Throughout her trial, Jane maintained her innocence, claiming that an unknown intruder had killed Graham. However, the evidence against her was damning. Prosecutors presented DNA evidence that matched Jane's DNA profile, and a witness claimed to have seen her near the scene of the crime on the night of the murder.

Ultimately, the jury found Jane guilty of murder and she was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 12 years. Her case shook the public's perception of the glamorous world of the aristocracy and highlighted the dangers of obsession and jealousy.

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  • First Aired
    June 6, 2010
  • Language