Spides Season 1 Episode 1
Season 1

Ep 1. Blis

  • March 5, 2020
  • 46 min
  • 5.8  (88)

In Spides season 1 episode 1, titled "Blis," we are introduced to the main protagonist, Nora Berger. Nora is a young woman who awakens in a park in Berlin with no memory of how she got there or who she is. As she tries to piece together the events leading up to her amnesia, she realizes that her life is more complicated than she ever imagined.

Nora is quickly thrust into a world of drugs, violence, and intrigue as she tries to uncover the truth about her past. One of the first people she meets is a mysterious man named Detective David Leonhart, who seems to have a vested interest in her case. As he questions her about her amnesia, she becomes increasingly uncomfortable with his line of questioning.

Meanwhile, another key character is introduced - a woman named Verena who works for a mysterious organization called "The Supplier." Verena is tasked with bringing in a new drug called "Blis," which is said to have powerful hallucinogenic properties. As she embarks on her mission, she becomes aware of strange occurrences happening around Berlin - people are acting erratically and displaying strange powers that can't be explained.

Back with Nora, she is approached by a man named Rainer, who claims to know her from her past. He takes her to a party where she is introduced to a group of people who all seem to know her. However, their disingenuous behavior makes her question whether they are actually her friends or just using her for their own purposes.

As the episode progresses, we get a sense that there is a larger conspiracy at play. Nora's amnesia seems to be linked to the appearance of "Blis" in Berlin, and Verena's organization may be involved. Detective Leonhart becomes increasingly suspicious of Verena and her associates, leading to a tense confrontation between the two at the end of the episode.

Overall, "Blis" sets up a complex and intriguing world full of mysteries and deception. Nora's journey to uncover her past, the appearance of strange powers, and the involvement of shadowy organizations all combine to create a suspenseful and gripping episode. Fans of sci-fi, action, and mystery will find much to enjoy in Spides season 1 episode 1.

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Spides, Season 1 Episode 1, is available to watch free on Crackle, Plex and stream on Syfy. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Spides on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon, FuboTV, Apple TV online.
  • First Aired
    March 5, 2020
  • Runtime
    46 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    5.8  (88)