Steven Universe Season 5 Episode 19
Steven Universe
Season 5

Ep 19. Now We're Only Falling Apart

  • July 2, 2018
  • 11 min
  • 9.3  (1,311)

Steven Universe is an animated show that is suitable for kids and adults. The show tells the story of a young boy named Steven who is living with a team of superheroes called the Crystal Gems. The Crystal Gems consist of Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven's mother, Rose Quartz. In season 5 episode 19, we see a continuation of some of the events that take place in the previous episode.

The episode is called "Now We're Only Falling Apart" and it starts off with Steven in his bedroom, looking at a family portrait. He grew up believing that his mother was just a beautiful gemstone that gave up her life to give birth to him and is now residing in a guardianship of Rose's fellow Crystal Gems. In the last episode, Steven finds out that this is not true and Rose Quartz was indeed his mother in human form, and she had to give up her physical manifestation to give birth to him. Steven's world has been turned upside down.

In this episode, Steven is still struggling to come to terms with the truth about his mother. He is feeling angry and betrayed that the Crystal Gems kept this big secret from him all these years. Steven's best friend, Connie, tries to help him through this tough time, but he is too lost in his own thoughts to listen. Meanwhile, the Crystal Gems are working on repairing the shattered pieces of Rose's sword, which was destroyed by one of the show's villains.

The episode is full of emotional moments as the Crystal Gems struggle to come together and work through their complicated feelings toward Rose and what she meant to each of them. We also get to see Steven's father, Greg, in a flashback to the time when he first met Rose, and we learn more about their relationship. This episode is not only about Steven's journey, but it's also about the whole team working together to heal their past wounds.

There are some light-hearted moments in the episode as well, which provide some relief from the heavier subject matter. Amethyst's humor helps to break the tension in several scenes. Overall, "Now We're Only Falling Apart" is an essential episode for fans of Steven Universe, offering a lot of insight into the show's characters and their relationships with one another.

This episode focuses heavily on Steven's emotions and his journey to come to terms with the truth about his mother. It also sheds light on the complex relationships between the Crystal Gems, and we see the emotional turmoil that Rose's secret has caused. "Now We're Only Falling Apart" is a moving and thought-provoking episode that is sure to leave a lasting impact on viewers.

Watch Steven Universe - Now We're Only Falling Apart (s5 e19) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Steven Universe, Season 5 Episode 19, is available to watch free on Cartoon Network and stream on Cartoon Network. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Steven Universe on demand at Max, Amazon Prime, Netflix online.
  • First Aired
    July 2, 2018
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    9.3  (1,311)