Talking Heads

Watch Talking Heads

  • 2020
  • 1 Season

Talking Heads is a British television series that consists of a collection of monologues performed by a range of esteemed actors. Each episode is defined by a stand-alone monologue that is delivered by a single actor in front of a static camera. The monologues are adapted from a series of short stories written by British playwright Alan Bennett which were originally presented as part of his 1988 stage production named A Visit From Miss Prothero.

The series was first released in 1988, with a total of six episodes that featured performances from actors such as Patricia Routledge, Julie Walters, Alan Bennett, and Maggie Smith. The series was directed by Jonathan Miller and produced by Innes Lloyd, with the monologues showcasing the struggles, desires, and emotions of a diverse range of characters.

The concept behind Talking Heads is deeply engrossing-- the series uses the power of dialogue to encapsulate the inner lives of characters, evoking empathy and understanding in the audience. Alan Bennett's writing is deeply humane, and his characters are relatable despite their distinctly different lives and circumstances.

The show is characterized by its minimalist production design, with most of the action taking place in front of a static camera, and a focus on character-driven storytelling. The sets are often sparsely decorated with unassuming furniture, and the framing of the shots is straightforward and unobtrusive, allowing the actors to take center stage.

The actors deliver performances that are nothing short of masterful. They are the lifeblood of the show, showcasing their talents through nuanced and deeply felt portrayals of the characters. Every monologue is a masterclass in acting, with the actors demonstrating their range, timing, ability to convey emotion, and their skill in embodying unique and diverse characters with authenticity.

One of the most stimulating aspects of the show is its ability to engender empathy towards the characters who are marginalized and misunderstood. The characters are presented in an unvarnished way, with all of their flaws and contradictions out in the open. Yet, it is through this unflinching presentation that we see their humanity in all its complexity. For example, in the episode "Her Big Chance", we are introduced to Lesley, a struggling actress who is given an opportunity to star in a film. However, the role is demeaning and only serves to perpetuate the stereotype of the female character as a sexualized object. Despite her desperation to succeed, Lesley ultimately faces a crisis of conscience when it becomes clear the extent to which she is complicit in her own exploitation, and the wider issue of gender inequality in the film and entertainment industry.

Talking Heads is a show that deals with mature themes and complex issues, such as death, existential crisis, class, identity, and morality. The monologues are often imbued with a sense of melancholy, as the characters reflect on their own lives and how they have arrived at their present circumstances. Yet, there is also a sense of resilience and the possibility of redemption, with the characters ultimately being presented as survivors who are striving to persevere despite the odds.

Overall, the show is a triumph of minimalist storytelling and acting, showcasing the power of language and dialogue in evoking empathy and understanding towards characters who are both flawed and relatable. The show is still as relevant and insightful today as it was when it premiered in 1988, highlighting the enduring power of great storytelling and acting. Talking Heads is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates character-driven storytelling and emotionally resonant performances.

Talking Heads is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (12 episodes). The series first aired on June 23, 2020.

Talking Heads
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The Shrine
12. The Shrine
June 23, 2020
Lorna visits the spot where Clifford's motorcycle crashed, hoping for some closure. But one day she finds someone else has left some flowers on the shrine.
Miss Fozzard Finds Her Feet
11. Miss Fozzard Finds Her Feet
June 23, 2020
Miss Fozzard has a new podiatrist, Mr. Dunderdale, though technically he's retired. Their weekly appointments soon raise the tricky question of who is treating whom.
The Hand of God
10. The Hand of God
June 23, 2020
Celia runs an antiques shop. But after she buys a lovely old frame containing the smudgy drawing of a finger, she discovers she's less of an expert than she thought.
Nights in the Garden of Spain
9. Nights in the Garden of Spain
June 23, 2020
Rosemary recalls the morning she was accosted by Mrs. McCorquodale, who had shot her husband. A friendship began, until Rosemary had to look again at her own marriage.
Bed Among the Lentils
8. Bed Among the Lentils
June 23, 2020
Susan is not cut out to be the vicar's wife. When she meets Mr. Ramesh in his shop, she discovers what else life can offer.
The Outside Dog
7. The Outside Dog
June 23, 2020
Marjory hates husband Stuart's dog, Tina. He takes her out late, comes in at midnight, clothes in the wash, naked to bed and then starts carrying on. Then the police arrive.
A Chip in the Sugar
6. A Chip in the Sugar
June 23, 2020
Graham is his mother's number one. But when they bump into semi-retired Mr. Turnbull, Graham discovers she had a life pre-Dad and fully intends to have another.
Playing Sandwiches
5. Playing Sandwiches
June 23, 2020
Wilfred is a park attendant. After he befriends a young girl, it becomes clear why nobody can trace his records.
Her Big Chance
4. Her Big Chance
June 23, 2020
Actor Lesley prides herself on her professionalism, even if it's for a walk-on role. She is thrilled to land the role of Travis, who spends the film bikini-clad on a yacht.
Soldiering On
3. Soldiering On
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Muriel's son Giles appears with papers for her to sign. It turns out she is quite a rich widow. But soon there's a liquidity problem, and Giles could be to blame.
An Ordinary Woman
2. An Ordinary Woman
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Michael is only 15, but you wouldn't know. Gwen thought there would be something that gave you immunity, that you couldn't fall for your own child.
A Lady of Letters
1. A Lady of Letters
June 23, 2020
Irene Ruddock dashes off letters with her trusty fountain pen, complaining about the failures of others. But when the police come by, it's Irene who is in trouble.
Where to Watch Talking Heads
Talking Heads is available for streaming on the website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Talking Heads on demand at Amazon, Vudu and Apple TV.
  • Premiere Date
    June 23, 2020