The Avengers Season 1 Episode 5
The Avengers
Season 1

Ep 5. Crescent Moon

  • February 4, 1961
  • 7.3  (32)

The Avengers season 1 episode 5, titled Crescent Moon, follows the iconic duo of John Steed and Cathy Gale as they investigate a string of mysterious murders of prominent figures with an ominous warning card left behind at each crime scene.

Their investigation leads them to the realization that the culprit behind the murders is a member of a secret society known as the Crescent Moon, whose ultimate goal is to overthrow the government and take control of the country.

Steed and Gale must infiltrate the society and uncover their plans before they can carry out their dangerous plot. They enlist the help of a former member of the Crescent Moon, who is now disillusioned with their aims, to gain access to their inner circle and gain more information.

As they delve deeper into the society's operations, they find themselves in increasing danger. Time is running out as the Crescent Moon's plans come to fruition and Steed and Gale race against the clock to stop them from achieving their goal.

The episode is full of tense moments, thrilling action scenes, and clever plot twists as Steed and Gale use their intelligence and quick thinking to uncover the truth and prevent disaster.

Overall, Crescent Moon is an exciting and engaging episode of The Avengers that showcases the strength of the show's writing and characters. It is a must-watch for fans of the series and a great introduction for newcomers.

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  • First Aired
    February 4, 1961
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.3  (32)