The Colbert Report Season 1 Episode 4

Ep 4. Jim Cramer

  • October 20, 2005

In season 1 episode 4 of The Colbert Report, titled "Jim Cramer," host Stephen Colbert welcomes guest Jim Cramer, host of the CNBC show Mad Money. Colbert and Cramer engage in a lively and often heated discussion over the state of the economy and the responsibilities of the financial media.

Colbert begins by introducing Cramer as a "finance guru" who has made a career out of giving advice to investors. However, he quickly takes aim at Cramer's track record, pointing out that Cramer made several bad calls during the 2008 financial crisis, including his recommendation to buy Bear Stearns just days before it collapsed.

Cramer defends himself by stating that he was one of many people who failed to predict the severity of the crisis, but Colbert is not convinced. He accuses Cramer and other financial pundits of hyping up the stock market and creating a "fictional" economy that is disconnected from the real world.

The conversation becomes increasingly heated as Colbert presses Cramer on whether he feels responsible for the financial woes of millions of Americans. Cramer becomes defensive, arguing that he is simply a commentator who provides information to investors, but Colbert counters that he has a platform and a responsibility to use it ethically.

Throughout the interview, Colbert employs his trademark brand of satirical humor, skewering Cramer and the financial media as a whole. He holds up a copy of Cramer's book "Jim Cramer's Real Money" and jokes that it should be retitled "Jim Cramer's Fake Money."

Despite the tense subject matter, the episode is filled with laughs, thanks to Colbert's quick wit and Cramer's willingness to engage in the debate. By the end of the segment, both men have made their points, but neither has been completely convinced by the other.

Overall, the episode is a prime example of Colbert's ability to take serious issues and turn them into compelling and entertaining television. The discussion between Colbert and Cramer is thoughtful and incisive, but it is also a lot of fun to watch. Whether you are a fan of finance or just enjoy a good debate, this episode is a must-see.

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  • First Aired
    October 20, 2005
  • Language