The Colbert Report Season 9 Episode 75

Ep 75. Dan Savage

  • June 10, 2013

The Colbert Report season 9 episode 75 welcomes Dan Savage as the special guest. Dan Savage is a renowned sex advice columnist, writer, and media personality. In this episode, he talks to Stephen Colbert, the host of the show, about his latest books and his perspectives on current events.

Throughout the show, Dan Savage shares his candid thoughts on sexual morality, same-sex marriage, and the controversies surrounding LGBTQ+ rights. His insights are both witty and informative, as he takes on hot-button issues with his signature irreverence and humor.

In one segment, Savage discusses the changing attitudes towards gay marriage in America. He notes that the tide has turned in favor of same-sex marriage, with many states legalizing it in recent years. He also talks about the challenges that still remain for the LGBTQ+ community, particularly in areas where discrimination is still rampant.

In another segment, Savage gives advice to couples on how to keep their sex lives exciting and fulfilling. He encourages couples to be open and honest with each other about their desires, and to explore new ways of expressing their love and affection.

Throughout the episode, Savage's wit and humor are on full display, as he engages in playful banter with Colbert. The two share a deep rapport, as they both poke fun at each other and riff on various topics.

Overall, The Colbert Report season 9 episode 75 with Dan Savage is a must-watch for anyone interested in sex, relationships, and LGBTQ+ issues. It offers a fresh perspective on these topics, and is sure to leave viewers both entertained and enlightened.

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  • First Aired
    June 10, 2013
  • Language