The Ellen DeGeneres Show Season 15 Episode 160

Ep 160. Ty Burrell ; Lin-Manuel Miranda ; 4-year-old globe expert Noah Ascano.

  • November 17, 2017

In The Ellen DeGeneres Show season 15 episode 160, viewers are treated to a star-studded lineup. Famous actor Ty Burrell from the beloved sitcom "Modern Family" stops by to chat about the show's finale and his post-show plans. Additionally, Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creative genius behind the Broadway hit "Hamilton," makes an appearance to discuss the show's success and his future projects.

But the show's most surprising guest is a 4-year-old globetrotting expert named Noah Ascano. Noah has captured the hearts of millions with his incredible knowledge of geography and world cultures, despite his young age. Ellen welcomes Noah to the stage and engages him in a discussion about his travels, favorite countries, and how he became interested in geography. The conversation is heartwarming and funny, as Noah corrects Ellen's misconceptions about various countries and stumps her with his impressive facts.

Throughout the episode, Ellen's signature wit and humor are on display as she interacts with her guests and engages with the live audience. She even surprises Ty Burrell with a touching video message from his "Modern Family" co-stars, who express how much they will miss him on the show.

But the highlight of the episode is undoubtedly Noah, whose infectious enthusiasm and knowledge of the world captivate both Ellen and the audience. Viewers will be left marveling at his incredible ability to absorb information and his passion for learning about the world around him.

Overall, The Ellen DeGeneres Show season 15 episode 160 is a must-watch for fans of popular culture, travel, and heartwarming human interest stories. From hilarious celebrity interviews to inspiring conversations with a young globe-trotting expert, this episode offers something for everyone.

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  • First Aired
    November 17, 2017
  • Language