The Ellen DeGeneres Show Season 17 Episode 142

Ep 142. Howard Stern

  • October 14, 2019
  • 6.7  (9)

Howard Stern is the guest on season 17 episode 142 of The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The highly anticipated interview features one of the most recognizable radio and television personalities of all time in a rare appearance with Ellen DeGeneres.

With a career spanning over four decades, Howard Stern has become famous for his no-holds-barred approach to broadcasting. The 'King of All Media' is well known for his controversial opinions, swift wit, and the countless famous guests that have appeared on his show, The Howard Stern Show. Throughout the episode, Ellen and Howard discuss his long and eclectic career, his unique perspective on life and his current ventures.

As the interview begins, Ellen asks Howard about his experience on the hit show America's Got Talent, where he served as a judge for four seasons. Howard describes it as one of the most rewarding experiences of his career and reveals how he came to take on that role. Additionally, he talks about his relationships with the other judges and shares how they often disagreed on various acts.

The conversation then turns to Howard's personal life. Howard reflects on how he has grown as a person over the years and how he has learned to become comfortable in his own skin. He discusses his marriage to his wife Beth and how they have been able to build a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding. Howard also shares details about his early life and how he developed his particular brand of humor that has become his signature.

Ellen and Howard also discuss some of the darker times during his career, including his public feuds with other celebrities. Howard shares how he has learned from those experiences and how he has become a much more positive person as a result. Despite some of the controversies that have surrounded him over the years, Howard consistently maintains his self-deprecating humor and his ability to poke fun at himself.

Throughout the interview, Ellen and Howard's lively banter and chemistry make for a captivating watch. Both are widely recognized for their quick wit and off-beat sense of humor, and the conversation between them is both engaging and entertaining.

Additionally, the episode features a number of inspiring segments and surprises, including Ellen’s “Scaredy Cat” performer, Nate the Great who will showcase his mad skills and challenge Howard to a game of pick-up sticks. Furthermore, the show also includes special guest appearances that will add a lot of excitement.

Overall, season 17 episode 142 of The Ellen DeGeneres Show featuring Howard Stern is one that viewers won't want to miss. With both Ellen and Howard at the top of their game, this episode is sure to be one of the most memorable of the season.

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  • First Aired
    October 14, 2019
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.7  (9)