The Ellen DeGeneres Show Season 9 Episode 472

Ep 472. Simon Baker, Anthony Mackie

  • Not Rated
  • April 2, 2014

Simon Baker and Anthony Mackie, two of Hollywood's most respected actors, join Ellen in season 9 episode 472 of The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Simon Baker has been a familiar face in both film and TV, but is perhaps best known for his lead role in the hit TV show "The Mentalist". Meanwhile, Anthony Mackie has also made a name for himself as a versatile actor, appearing in a range of films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe to independent dramas.

On the show, Ellen welcomes both actors and talks to them about their recent projects, as well as their lives outside of Hollywood. Simon Baker shares some stories from his time on set of "The Mentalist", including some interesting encounters with fans, while Anthony Mackie discusses his role in the upcoming Marvel film "Captain America: The Winter Soldier".

As always, Ellen's trademark sense of humor is on full display throughout the episode, with plenty of comedic moments and lighthearted banter between the host and her guests. Simon Baker and Anthony Mackie both prove to be great sports, gamely participating in Ellen's various games and challenges.

One of the highlights of the episode is a hilarious segment where Ellen and Simon Baker compete in a game of "Heads Up", using various clues and gestures to try and get the other person to guess the correct word. The two prove to be evenly matched as they race against the clock to rack up points, with Ellen's trademark enthusiasm and Simon's quick wit making for a fun and entertaining matchup.

Another standout moment comes when Anthony Mackie discusses his role as the Falcon in the Marvel films. Mackie talks about the physical training he underwent for the role, including his intense workout routine and his experience working with a stunt team to perfect his fight sequences. Mackie also discusses the importance of representation in Hollywood, particularly for black actors, and how he hopes to inspire young people through his work.

Throughout the episode, Ellen also takes some time to talk about some of the issues affecting people around the world. She discusses the recent hurricanes that have devastated parts of the Caribbean and the southern United States, and shares some ways that viewers can help out those affected by these disasters. Ellen also takes some time to highlight some of the work being done by organizations like the Red Cross to provide aid and relief to those in need.

Overall, season 9 episode 472 of The Ellen DeGeneres Show is a fun, entertaining, and insightful episode featuring two of Hollywood's top talents. With plenty of laughs, heartfelt moments, and important discussions, the episode is a great showcase of why Ellen's show remains one of the most popular daytime talk shows on television.

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  • First Aired
    April 2, 2014
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Language