The Greek World: A Study of History and Culture

Watch The Greek World: A Study of History and Culture

  • 2020
  • 1 Season

The Greek World: A Study of History and Culture is a fascinating exploration of the ancient Greek civilization, presented by Robert Garland, an accomplished historian and professor at Colgate University. This series is part of The Great Courses Signature Collection, which offers in-depth learning experiences for curious individuals who seek a deeper understanding of the world around them.

This course delves into the political, social, and cultural aspects of Greek life, from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period. Spanning 48 lectures, each about 30 minutes in length, this series covers a wide range of topics such as the emergence of Greek civilization, the Persian Wars, the Golden Age of Athens, the Peloponnesian War, and the conquest of Alexander the Great.

One of the most striking aspects of this show is the incredible depth and breadth of knowledge presented by Professor Garland. His passion for the subject is palpable, and his ability to weave together historical, archeological, and literary evidence creates a vivid tapestry of the ancient Greek world. He draws on a wide range of sources, including primary texts, archeological discoveries, and artistic representations, to provide a comprehensive view of Greek culture.

Another highlight of this series is the emphasis on the daily lives of ordinary Greeks. Garland explores topics such as housing, food, religion, and family structure, giving viewers a glimpse into the daily realities of Greek life. Additionally, he examines the role of women in Greek society, slavery, and the treatment of non-Greeks, shedding light on often-overlooked aspects of Greek culture.

The Greek World: A Study of History and Culture is also notable for its stunning visuals. The set design, costumes, and animations all work together to create an immersive experience for viewers. The series features beautiful shots of Greek ruins and landscapes, as well as reenactments of historical events. These visuals add an extra dimension to Garland's lectures, bringing the ancient world to life in a way that is both educational and engaging.

Finally, viewers of this series will appreciate the excellent pacing and structure of the lectures. Each topic is explored in depth, but with a clear and concise delivery that makes the information accessible and easy to follow. Garland's ability to explain complex concepts in a way that is both informative and engaging is a testament to his skill as a teacher and historian.

In conclusion, The Greek World: A Study of History and Culture is a must-watch series for anyone interested in ancient history, culture, or art. Professor Garland's insight and passion for the subject, combined with stunning visuals and excellent pacing, make this series an educational and captivating experience. Whether you're a student, a history buff, or simply curious about the ancient world, this series is sure to leave you with a deeper appreciation for the richness and complexity of Greek civilization.

The Greek World: A Study of History and Culture is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (24 episodes). The series first aired on May 22, 2020.

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What Does Greece Mean to Us Today?
24. What Does Greece Mean to Us Today?
May 22, 2020
Begin this final episode by reviewing criticisms leveled against the ancient Greeks, and aspects of Greek society which are hot button issues for the modern world, such as the repression of women and the elitist nature of their society. Conclude with five compelling reasons for studying the Greeks, from their areas of unsurpassed excellence to the beauty and wonder of their civilization.
Eating and Drinking among the Greeks
23. Eating and Drinking among the Greeks
May 22, 2020
As a final perspective on Greek culture, take a spirited look at Greek food and drink across the ages. Observe how the ancient Greeks ate, considering their diet, meal rituals, staple foods, and a signature Spartan dish. Learn about Greek food today, sampling a spectrum of standout dishes and traditional foods and wines. Then, visualize an ancient symposium, or traditional drinking party.
Greek Language, Literacy, and Writing
22. Greek Language, Literacy, and Writing
May 22, 2020
Examine the structure of the ancient Greek language, how it embodies and expresses thought, and how common linguistic devices express the Greek mindset. Learn about the evolution of writing in Greece, and the wealth of information available to us from ancient papyri. Finally, take account of literacy in ancient Greece, and our indebtedness to literate slaves who were copyists and transcribers.
The Greek Way of Waging War
21. The Greek Way of Waging War
May 22, 2020
The art of war was integral to ancient Greek culture. Delve into warfare as portrayed in the Iliad, observing the highly ritualistic nature of Homeric combat. Continue with the classical warfare of the hoplites, phalanxes of heavily armed soldiers, and learn about hoplite tactics, strategy, and weaponry. Study Athens's mighty naval forces, and assess the changing rules of battlefield conduct.
Greek Science: Discovery and Controversy
20. Greek Science: Discovery and Controversy
May 22, 2020
Investigate the many contributions to science of the ancient Greeks, as well as the great obstacles to free inquiry that early scientists faced. Study Greek achievements in astronomy, followed by medicine, highlighting the methods and doctrines of the Hippocratic school. Also learn about the cult of the healing god Asclepius, in which rational inquiry and faith healing existed side by side.
Greek Philosophy: Man and Nature
19. Greek Philosophy: Man and Nature
May 22, 2020
Look into the origins of the great philosophical tradition within ancient Greece, and the contributions of the early, pre-Socratic philosophers. Then, examine the work of the philosophical giants Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, taking account of the core ideas and the influence of each. Conclude by exploring two major Greek philosophical traditions: Stoicism and Epicureanism.
Greek Historians: The Birth of History
18. Greek Historians: The Birth of History
May 22, 2020
Take the measure of two of ancient Greece's greatest historians. Begin with the work of Herodotus, often called the father of history; grasp the qualities of his history writing, and how he established the first principle of historiography: impartiality. Continue with Thucydides, credited with establishing the discipline of scientific history and the political theory of Realpolitik.
Greek Politics, Law, and Public Speaking
17. Greek Politics, Law, and Public Speaking
May 22, 2020
Radical, participatory democracy was established in Athens in the 5th century BCE. Study the mindset and features of Athenian democracy, as it empowered every citizen to speak and vote, and required citizens to participate in civic affairs. Assess ancient and modern critiques of Greek democracy. Then study ancient Athenian legal practice, highlighting the system of trial by jury.
Greek Drama: Laughter and Tears
16. Greek Drama: Laughter and Tears
May 22, 2020
In this second look at Greek drama, examine individual plays that epitomize the genre of tragedy, such as Aeschylus's Oresteia and Prometheus Bound, Sophocles's Antigone and Oedipus the King, and Euripides's Trojan Women and Medea. Explore the nature of tragedy, its meaning for audiences and existential function in the Greek world. Then, investigate the sublime comic plays of Aristophanes.
Greek Theater: Producing and Staging Plays
15. Greek Theater: Producing and Staging Plays
May 22, 2020
Uncover the origins of Greek drama, and how it evolved into the form of a chorus and masked actors. Learn about early theater festivals; the elements of a Greek theater; and how plays were selected, financed, and performed. Finally, study the rituals of theater going, the use of theatrical devices and stage machinery, and the story of how the Greeks' iconic plays survived into the modern era.
Homer's Humanity: The Epic Experience
14. Homer's Humanity: The Epic Experience
May 22, 2020
In exploring the genius of Homer, learn first about the features and tradition of epic poetry. In key excerpts from the Iliad, grasp Homer's great humanity and insight into the human condition. See how the Iliad functions as a meditation on mortality, war, idealism, and loss, and how the Odyssey comprises a journey of self-realization. Witness Homer's enduring influence in the modern world.
The Monumentality of Greek Painting
13. The Monumentality of Greek Painting
May 22, 2020
Encounter the major styles of Greek vase painting, in examples by master painters such as the Dipylon Master and Exekias, noting their remarkable iconography portraying social ritual, war, and mythological scenes. Learn about black and red figure technique, the use of incised decoration and brushwork, and the superlative qualities of Greek painting in both conception and realization.
The Perfection of Greek Architecture
12. The Perfection of Greek Architecture
May 22, 2020
Study the primary forms of Greek architecture, which emblemize Greek civilization and have profoundly impacted architecture in the West. Visit the Acropolis of Athens as the ancient Greeks would have seen it; take in the magnificent features of the Parthenon, as well as those of other temples and civic structures. Learn also about Greek domestic architecture, house plans, and town planning.
The Sensuality of Greek Sculpture
11. The Sensuality of Greek Sculpture
May 22, 2020
The sublime sculpture of the ancient Greeks is among their most enduring cultural artifacts. Study the six periods of Greek sculpture, from the Archaic through the Classical and Hellenistic. In each, look at masterful examples, noting how the practice of sculpture constantly evolved. Take account of sculptural techniques, and how the sculptors achieved such sensual appeal and expressive power.
Greek Religion: Dangerous Gods, Tricky Heroes
10. Greek Religion: Dangerous Gods, Tricky Heroes
May 22, 2020
For the ancient Greeks, every human activity contained a religious dimension. Examine the underlying worldview of the Greeks' polytheistic religious beliefs, and where we find it represented in literature. Look at each of the major Greek gods, and their characteristic roles and qualities. Grasp the very human moral and psychological attributes of the gods, and what constituted piety and impiety.
Greek Mythology: Monsters and Misfits
9. Greek Mythology: Monsters and Misfits
May 22, 2020
Delve into the nature and roles of mythology in Greek civilization. Explore the subject matter of Greek myths as they figure in literature and art. Contemplate the function of mythology, as it helped the Greeks interpret the world and come to terms with the dark side of human experience. In particular, study the figure of the hero, and the features and meaning of the hero's journey.
The Birth of the Greek Nation-State
8. The Birth of the Greek Nation-State
May 22, 2020
Here, follow the struggle of the Greeks under the Ottomans, which became a bloody political movement for Greek independence. See how European intellectuals, artists, and Europe's major powers supported the movement, leading to the founding of the nation-state of Greece in 1830. Track Greece's territorial expansion through the ensuing century, and its tumultuous modern history up to the present.
Modern Ideas of Ancient Greece
7. Modern Ideas of Ancient Greece
May 22, 2020
With the fall of Constantinople in 1453, learn how the Greeks fared under Ottoman rule. Then trace the processes through which Europe rediscovered classical antiquity. Grasp the philosophical spirit of the Renaissance, which brought a sudden interest in the ancient Greeks. Chart the huge influence of Greek mythology on Western art, and how Greek literature was widely disseminated in the West.
Greece, Rome, Byzantium, and Baghdad
6. Greece, Rome, Byzantium, and Baghdad
May 22, 2020
Explore the fascinating and conflicted relationship between the Greeks and their Roman conquerors. Take account of the profound impact of Greek culture on Rome, and how the Romans both despised and admired the Greeks. Witness the founding of the Byzantine Empire, its flourishing of scholarship and theology, and the major role of Islamic scholars in preserving and disseminating Greek learning.
Alexander the Great: Greek Culture Spreads
5. Alexander the Great: Greek Culture Spreads
May 22, 2020
The conquests of Alexander the Great gave birth to the world we call Hellenistic. Observe how Alexander's military expansionism brought a vast geographical area under the influence of Greek civilization. Note how the conquered peoples embraced Hellenistic culture, how Alexander's empire fragmented after his death, and how the majestic city of Alexandria became a major center of learning.
Classical Greece: The Age of Pericles
4. Classical Greece: The Age of Pericles
May 22, 2020
Take an overview of Greece's Classical Age, an astonishing period of human accomplishment, which the series will treat in detail. Explore defining events of the period, from the 479 BCE defeat of the Persians, through the period of the Peloponnesian War, to the emergence of Macedonia as a great power and the exploits of Alexander.
Dark Age and Archaic Greece
3. Dark Age and Archaic Greece
May 22, 2020
Grasp the contours of Greece's Dark Age, an era of restricted trade and a breakdown of centralized power. Take note of the achievements of this epoch, such as iron technology, the Greek alphabet, and the advent of the Olympic Games. In the following Archaic Period, chart Greece's geographical expansion, creation of city-states, invention of coinage, and movement toward democracy.
Bronze Age Greece: Minoans and Myceneans
2. Bronze Age Greece: Minoans and Myceneans
May 22, 2020
Trace the origins of human habitation on the mainland and islands of Greece. Study the Bronze Age cultures of the Cycladic islands; the famed Minoan civilization centered on Crete, with its palaces and religious ritual; and the Mycenaean civilization, with its monumental architecture. Learn about Mycenae's connection with the Trojan War, and what may have led to its collapse.
Why Study the Greek World?
1. Why Study the Greek World?
May 22, 2020
Examine the many reasons to study the ancient Greeks, from their phenomenal art and architecture to their philosophy, religion, and inventions of drama and democracy. Consider how we identify the Greeks, in cultural, historical, and linguistic terms. Finally, note the influence of Greece's landscape and physical environment on the development and character of Greek civilization. #History
Where to Watch The Greek World: A Study of History and Culture
The Greek World: A Study of History and Culture is available for streaming on the The Great Courses Signature Collection website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch The Greek World: A Study of History and Culture on demand at Apple TV Channels, Amazon Prime, Amazon and Kanopy.
  • Premiere Date
    May 22, 2020