The Green Hornet

Watch The Green Hornet

  • TV-PG
  • 1966
  • 1 Season
  • 7.4  (3,318)

The Green Hornet is an American television series that aired from 1966 to 1967. The show is based on a character from a popular radio program that first aired in 1936. The Green Hornet is a masked superhero who fights crime alongside his trusty sidekick, Kato. The show follows the adventures of Britt Reid, AKA The Green Hornet, who is the wealthy owner and editor of the Daily Sentinel newspaper. Britt uses his businessman persona to guise his true identity as a crime-fighting vigilante. Kato is his loyal and skilled sidekick who helps him take down the bad guys.

The duo drives a sleek weaponized car, called the Black Beauty, which aids them in their mission to take down the criminal underworld of their city. Each episode features a different villain that the Green Hornet and Kato must thwart. It often involves the duo going undercover to gather intel before taking down the bad guys in a climactic showdown.

Despite being a relative newcomer to the superhero genre, The Green Hornet was a success due to its unique setting and cast. Unlike other superheroes who had secret identities, Britt Reid did not hide behind a mask or a cape while he was running his newspaper. He was a regular guy who just happened to have some vigilante tendencies.

The setting of the show is also a stand-out feature. The Green Hornet was set in the fictional city of Century City, which was a version of modern-day Los Angeles. The show's creators wanted to incorporate the fastest-growing city in the world into their story, so they built a metropolis that reflected that time and place. Century City was a mix of the old and new, with historic buildings jostling for space with modern high-rises.

Another reason for the show's success was its multicultural cast. The Green Hornet featured several Asian actors in prominent roles, such as Kato (played by Keye Luke), a Japanese-American martial artist who was the loyal sidekick to the Green Hornet. This was a groundbreaking move in the 1960s, as many popular shows at the time did not feature diverse casting.

Anne Nagel also starred in the show as Lenore Case, Britt Reid's secretary, and love interest. Nagel was a well-known actress who had worked in Hollywood for two decades by the time she was cast for the show. Her inclusion in the cast added to the show's star power and acted as a counterbalance to the testosterone-fueled action scenes.

Wade Boteler rounded out the cast as Mike Axford, a journalist at the Daily Sentinel. Boteler was known for his deep, booming voice, which lent itself perfectly to the character of Axford, a gruff former cop who was always looking for the next big story.

Overall, The Green Hornet was a unique addition to the superhero genre. The show's blend of action, drama, and humor kept audiences entertained, and its setting and cast made it stand out in a crowded field. To this day, it remains a beloved classic of 1960s television.

The Green Hornet is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (13 episodes). The series first aired on September 9, 1966.

The Green Hornet
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Doom of the Underworld
13. Doom of the Underworld
December 9, 1966
In this exciting conclusion, Britt Reid sends Axford and Jenks to spot gangsters among the carnival crowd at the Cooper Zoo who are forcing "protection money" from Cooper by threatening sabotage. The Green Hornet then goes to Cooper's office, where he traps Lefty Bates, strong-arm man of the crime ring, and forces his to write a confession. Axford and Jenks, battling gangsters outside, overturn a popcorn stand which starts a fire. People and animals run amuch and stampeding elephants wreck the building, in one of which the Hornet is questioning Bates. Will our masked hero escape with his life? Will Bates' confession be finished before the impending doom of the crazed elephants?
Panic in the Zoo
12. Panic in the Zoo
December 2, 1966
The Green Hornet, or his true identity, Britt Reid, is investigating sabotage directed against the shipping business of young John Roberts. The Hornet causes the arrest of Max Gregory, an illicit munitions dealer. The Racketeers strikes back by attacking a trainload shipment being made by young Roberts. Reid, masked as The Green Hornet, with Kato driving the "black beauty" pursues the train, boards it at full speed, and attacks the gangsters. But during the fight, Roberts' cars, uncoupled by the gangsters roll back down the mountainside. Will the Hornet be able to switch the track in time? Will Roberts' cars be destroyed?
Disaster Rides the Rails
11. Disaster Rides the Rails
November 25, 1966
Our hero, Britt Reid, battling the crime ring in a mayoralty election, secures evidence that ballot boxes have been "stuffed." The ring candidate is elected and The Sentinel demands a court order for a recount. Monroe hurries his henchmen to seize and destroy the ballots, but The Green Hornet gets possession of the ballots and starts with them in an armored car to a safe hiding place, pending the courts' order. Monroe learns of the route taken by the armored car, and sets a trap for our hero on a dangerous mountain curve. Will the Green Hornet be able to survive the deadly trap? Will he get the ballots to the courts in time?
Bullets and Ballots
10. Bullets and Ballots
January 1, 1940
Britt Reid, Axford and Jenks go to the Martinson place on an anonymous tip that it is the hideout of The Green Hornet. Outside the house, Reid makes an excuse to leave Jenks and Axford. Donning The Hornet garb, brought by Kato, he enters the house, surprising three gunmen ambushed there. A fight follows, and the gangsters escape as Jenks and Axford rush in. Cornered by his own friends, The Hornet hides in a closet. But Axford has seen him enter, and rushes to the door with a drawn gun. Will the Green Hornet be able to escape this trap? Will Britt Reid's secret identity finally be revealed?
The Hornets Trapped
9. The Hornets Trapped
November 11, 1966
Our hero Britt Reid, disguised as the Green Hornet, is snapped by a Sentinel photographer as he hurriedly leaves the house of a cleaner named Lavensen. Monroe sees the pictures in the Sentinel and, realizing the Hornet is on the trail of Lynch, head of the Cleaners' racket, orders Lynch and his shop removed and evidence planted pointing to the Hornet as the perpetrator of the crime. Corey and Dean saturate Lynch's plant with combustible cleaning fluid, and when the Hornet traps Lynch in his shop, the shops begins to light fire.
Dead or Alive
8. Dead or Alive
October 28, 1966
Britt Reid, disguised as the Green hornet, captures Sligby, the murderer of Charles Roberts, then trails the trucking racketeers and surprises two of them about the destroy a trainload of perishables. The Racketeers attempt to escape in a truck, the Green Hornet boards the truck and battles one of the men, while the other races the truck toward a bridge to get help from two of his pals. But his pals, to prevent a rival truck crossing the bridge to make deliveries, have weakened the bridge supports. Will the Green Hornet be able to win his battle and save both of the trucks that are speeding towards certain doom?
Bridge of Disaster
7. Bridge of Disaster
October 21, 1966
The newspaper publisher Britt Reid, investigating sabotage of Whippet Line buses, suspects that Rockford, head of the Blue Streak, a rival bus line, belongs to the crime ring responsible. Avxord conducting an investigation of his own, visits the Blue Streak headquarters and is trapped and made prisoner by the racketeers. Reid learns of Axford's predicament and, disguised as the Green Hornet, succeeds in freeing Axford and forcing a confession from Rockford. But Rockford's henchmen return, a fight ensues, and The Hornet is outnumbered.
Highways of Peril
6. Highways of Peril
October 14, 1966
Britt Reid trails the theft of his car to the Meadows Garage. Axford follows one of the Meadows' mechanics to a junkyard, where he and Reid narrowly escape death when the racketeers discover who they are. Meadows, realizing Reid is hot on the trail of his stolen car orders it destroyed with a time bomb. Before the bomb explodes, the Green Hornet confronts Meadows and terrifies him into a confession. The racketeers discover and attack the hornet. Kato helps the Hornet knock out Meadows and overcome the racketeers. Can they escape with Meadows before more trouble comes their way?
The Time Bomb
5. The Time Bomb
January 1, 1940
Our hero Britt Reid, determined to smash the stolen car racket, allows his car to be taken form a parking lot he suspects, then trails it to the Meadows Garage where it mysteriously vanishes. Reid recognizes one of the garage mechanics as Pete, a racketeer formerly with the flying school; and that night, as the Green Hornet, he visits the garage to question Pete. Pete, alarmed at the sight of the Hornet makes a dash to escape. In his "Black Beauty" driven by Kato, the Hornet pursues Pete's car. Will he be able to overtake Pete and get the information he needs?
Pillar of Flame
4. Pillar of Flame
January 1, 1940
The newspaper publisher Britt Reid suspects the Bartlett Flying School of a scheme to collect insurance on both planes and student flyers. As the Green Hornet, Reid visits the flying school, binds Bartlett, head of the school, then forces Bartlett to fly with him in a plane "specially serviced" for a student flyer. Bartlett, facing death, confesses the plane has been fixed to burn in mid-air, and pleads with the Hornet to remove his bonds so he can bail out. Once free, Bartlett treacherously attacks the Hornet. Will the Hornet be able to fight off his attacker?"Pillar of Flame
Flying Coffins
3. Flying Coffins
September 23, 1966
Our hero Britt Reid learns that the men killed in the tunnel disaster were insured in the construction company's favor, through a broken named Mortenson. Masked as the Green Hornet, Reid locates Mortenson, but before he can force him to confess, Axford and the police arrive and the Hornet has to flee. Monroe, acting boss of the rackets, orders Mortenson to destroy all papers and leave the country. The Hornet and Kato pursue Mortenson, who boards a train. The Hornet leaps aboard after him. Will our hero be able to stop the evil Mortenson before he can leave the country?
The Thundering Terror
2. The Thundering Terror
September 16, 1966
Britt Reid, newspaper publisher, is waging war against the racketeers. Masked as the Green Hornet he hunts the biggest of all game-public enemies that even the G-men cannot reach. With his faithful valet, Kato, he visits a tunnel being constructed under the river with faulty material and equipment. Forcing the foreman into an air lock, with an ingenious gas-gun he is ordering him to name the higher-ups in the construction racket, when an air compressor fails, and water comes rushing in! Will our heroes escape in time?
The Tunnel of Terror
1. The Tunnel of Terror
September 9, 1966
The Green Hornet is a masked fictional crime fighter, originally created by George W. Trendle for an American radio program in the 1930s.The character has appeared in two Universal serials. In the first 13 episode serial, the city is faced with rising crime and increased racketeering activity. Intrepid newspaper editor, Britt Reid (Gordon Jones) becomes the crime fighter the Green Hornet to take on the bad guys. As far as the police are concerned, the Hornet himself is the criminal. This misunderstanding enables Reid to operate "outside the law" to battle evil and injustice. Working along side the Hornet is the brilliant inventor/sidekick Kato (Keye Luke), the only person who knows the true identity of the Hornet. Watch as our heroes fight an infamous racket and put an end to the menace infecting their city.
Where to Watch The Green Hornet
The Green Hornet is available for streaming on the website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch The Green Hornet on demand at Amazon, FlixFling, Tubi TV and FlixFling VOD.
  • Premiere Date
    September 9, 1966
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (3,318)