The Late Late Show with James Corden Season 6 Episode 77

Ep 77. 2/11/21 (Mila Kunis, Robin Thicke)

  • February 11, 2021

Mila Kunis and Robin Thicke join James Corden on The Late Late Show season 6 episode 77, airing on February 11th, 2021. The show begins with Corden's monologue as he talks about Valentine's Day and the struggles of being in a long-distance relationship during the pandemic. He also discusses the recent winter storm that hit Texas and the controversy surrounding Ted Cruz's trip to Cancun.

The first segment of the show is called "Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts," where Kunis and Thicke play a game where they must answer personal questions or eat a disgusting food item. The questions range from revealing their guilty pleasures to admitting which actor they would never want to work with again. Kunis and Thicke both show their sense of humor as they answer the questions truthfully and try not to gag on the food.

Next, Corden introduces a new segment called "James in the Snow" where he takes on the challenge of driving a snowplow in a simulator. The demonstration is hilarious as Corden has trouble steering the plow and crashes into several obstacles. Kunis and Thicke cheer him on as he tries to make it to the end of the course.

The show then shifts to a performance by Robin Thicke, who sings his hit song "Forever Love." Thicke's smooth vocals and romantic lyrics are a perfect fit for the Valentine's Day theme of the episode. Corden joins Thicke on stage as he finishes the song, and the two share a hug.

After the performance, Kunis and Thicke sit down with Corden for an interview. They discuss their latest projects, including Kunis' new movie "Breaking News in Yuba County" and Thicke's recent album "On Earth, and in Heaven." They also talk about their personal lives, with Kunis revealing how her family celebrates Valentine's Day and Thicke discussing his emotional journey creating his latest album.

The show ends with a game called "Say Whaaat?!" where Corden, Kunis, and Thicke must guess what phrases are being said in a foreign language. The game is fast-paced and challenging, keeping the audience engaged until the final seconds of the show.

Overall, The Late Late Show with James Corden season 6 episode 77 is a fun and entertaining episode featuring talented guests and exciting segments. The Valentine's Day theme adds an extra layer of excitement, making it a perfect episode to watch with a loved one.

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  • First Aired
    February 11, 2021
  • Language