The Opposition with Jordan Klepper Season 1 Episode 114

Ep 114. June 5, 2018 - Sheri Fink

  • TV-14
  • June 5, 2018
  • 1275 min

The Opposition with Jordan Klepper is a satirical news show in which host Jordan Klepper plays a right-wing conspiracy theorist, mocking and critiquing the philosophy of conservatives and taking on various political figures. In season 1 episode 114, Klepper welcomes Sheri Fink on the show to discuss her latest book, "Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm-Ravaged Hospital."

Fink, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, is known for her writing on public health, medicine, disaster response, and humanitarian crises. In her book, she takes a gripping look at the events that occurred at Memorial Medical Center in New Orleans in August 2005, when Hurricane Katrina hit and caused widespread power outages and flooding throughout the city. Patients and staff at Memorial were left stranded and struggling for survival amid deteriorating conditions that eventually led to the loss of numerous lives.

Klepper and Fink delve into the ethical, legal, and political dilemmas that emerged in the aftermath of the disaster. They explore the challenges that healthcare workers faced as they tried to navigate the chaotic environment and make life-or-death decisions for their patients. They also delve into the investigations that followed the tragedy, including a criminal case against medical professionals accused of euthanizing critically ill patients.

Throughout the episode, Klepper uses his comedic skills to poke fun at the absurdity and hypocrisy of government officials and others who failed to adequately prepare for the storm and its effects. He also takes aim at those who sought to profit from the crisis, highlighting the ways in which Hurricane Katrina served as a catalyst for gentrification and displacement in New Orleans.

Together, Klepper and Fink offer a thought-provoking and informative look at one of the most catastrophic events in recent American history. They shed light on the complex ethical and moral dilemmas that arose in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and offer a glimpse into the challenges that healthcare professionals and emergency responders face when disaster strikes. With humor, insight, and a deep commitment to social justice, this episode of The Opposition with Jordan Klepper is a must-watch for anyone interested in the intersections of politics, healthcare, and disaster response.

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  • First Aired
    June 5, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    1275 min
  • Language