The View Season 21 Episode 76
The View
Season 21

Ep 76. Mon, Jan 8, 2018

  • TV-14
  • January 8, 2018

The View season 21 episode 76, titled "Mon, Jan 8, 2018", features the panel of five women discussing various current events and hot topics. The show starts with a discussion on the recent sexual harassment allegations against James Franco, with the panelists taking differing stances on the issue. They also talk about the recent Golden Globe awards ceremony, discussing the powerful speeches and the significance of the #TimesUp movement.

Later in the episode, the women talk about President Trump's controversial statement about immigration and the response from various political leaders. They also discuss the upcoming anniversary of the Women's March and what it symbolizes in today's political climate.

Throughout the episode, the panelists bring in their own personal experiences and perspectives, leading to lively debates and discussions. The show also features guest interviews, with today's guests being actors Molly Shannon and Frankie Shaw.

Overall, this episode of The View offers a fresh and insightful look into the world's most pressing issues from the perspective of a diverse group of women. It challenges viewers to think critically about their own beliefs and encourages an ongoing dialogue about important topics.

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  • First Aired
    January 8, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Language