The World According to Jeff Goldblum Season 2 Episode 3

Ep 3. Magic

  • November 12, 2021
  •   (95)

Jeff Goldblum is back with another intriguing episode of his Disney+ series, "The World According to Jeff Goldblum" season 2, episode 3, named "Magic." In this episode, Jeff will be exploring the magical world of illusions and how the world of magic has transformed over time.

In "Magic," Jeff takes us on a journey through the history of magic, from ancient times to the modern era. He investigates the fascinating world of illusions- the tricks, spells, and mysteries behind them. He explores the world of magic through the lens of some of the most popular magicians and performers in the world.

Jeff meets with magicians, illusionists, and entertainers, including magicians David Copperfield and Penn & Teller, to learn how they create their magic, the techniques they use, and the influence of magic on their lives and careers.

He takes a closer look at the mesmerizing world of magical performances. He visits The Magic Castle in Hollywood, one of the most prestigious magic clubs in the world, to witness some of the best and mind-boggling performances.

In addition, Jeff delves into the different styles of magic, including close-up magic, stage magic, and street magic. He interviews some of the top talents in these fields, like Chris Ramsay, who rose to fame with his street magic performances that went viral on social media.

Furthermore, Jeff explores the science behind the magic tricks we see today. He investigates the role of perception and psychology in magic and how performers use it to create illusions that leave the audience in disbelief.

Throughout the episode, Jeff shares his personal experiences with magic and how it has impacted his life and career. He also offers his insights on the appeal of magic and the reasons why people are drawn to it.

Overall, "Magic" is a fascinating exploration of the world of magic and its impact on popular culture. Jeff Goldblum's curious and curious nature will give viewers a new perspective on the magical world of illusionists and help gain a better understanding of the mysteries behind the tricks. Fans of magic will be spellbound and captivated by the insights shared and the secrets unveiled in the episode.

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  • First Aired
    November 12, 2021
  • Language