True Life Season 5 Episode 2
True Life
Season 5

Ep 2. I'm Obese

  • July 1, 2004

In season 5 episode 2 of True Life, titled "I'm Obese," viewers are taken on a raw and emotional journey through the lives of individuals struggling with their weight. The episode begins by introducing us to two participants, Melissa and Gilbert, who both suffer from extreme obesity.

Melissa, a young woman in her early 20s, has struggled with her weight since childhood. She weighs over 400 pounds and struggles with the physical limitations that come with her size, like difficulty walking and performing everyday tasks. Despite attempts at dieting, Melissa has been unable to achieve significant weight loss.

Gilbert, a middle-aged man, also weighs over 400 pounds and has experienced numerous health issues as a result of his obesity. He suffers from sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and joint pain. This has led to a decreased quality of life and an inability to enjoy the things he once loved, like hiking and playing sports.

Throughout the episode, viewers witness the day-to-day struggles that Melissa and Gilbert face as they navigate their lives as obese individuals. They both reveal the shame and embarrassment they feel about their bodies and the judgment they receive from others. Their relationships with family and friends are strained by their weight, and they struggle to find acceptance and support.

The episode also highlights the various methods that Melissa and Gilbert have tried to lose weight. Melissa has undergone weight loss surgery, which has resulted in some weight loss but also complications and setbacks. Gilbert has tried numerous diets and exercise programs but has found little success in maintaining weight loss.

Viewers also meet other individuals struggling with obesity, including a college student who fears that her weight is affecting her job prospects and a man who has turned to food as a means of coping with depression and anxiety.

Overall, "I'm Obese" sheds light on the complex and emotional journey of those struggling with obesity. It highlights the physical, emotional, and social barriers that they face and the limited support available to them. Through the stories of Melissa, Gilbert, and others, viewers gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and stigma faced by those struggling with their weight.

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  • First Aired
    July 1, 2004
  • Language