True Life Season 9 Episode 6
True Life
Season 9

Ep 6. I'm In Debt

  • February 25, 2007

True Life is a documentary series that follows the lives of young people dealing with various issues. In this particular episode of season 9, we meet three young adults who are struggling with debt and trying to find ways to get out of it.

The first person we meet is James, a 25-year-old recent college graduate who has accrued a large amount of student loan debt. Despite having a degree, James is struggling to find a job in his field and is currently working two part-time jobs just to make ends meet. He is living paycheck to paycheck and is worried that he will never be able to pay off his debt.

The second person we meet is Samantha, a 22-year-old who has accumulated credit card debt from overspending. She admits to using her credit card to buy expensive clothes and vacations, and now finds herself in a deep hole of debt. Samantha is now working multiple jobs to try and pay off her debt, but it seems like it will take her years to get out of it.

Lastly, we meet Michael, a 29-year-old who has been out of work for a while and has been using credit cards to stay afloat. His debt has now spiraled out of control and he is facing the possibility of eviction. Michael is deeply troubled by his debt and is not sure how he will be able to turn his life around.

Throughout the episode, we follow these individuals as they try to find solutions to their debt problems. We see James attending a financial planning class where he learns about budgeting and ways to save money. Samantha seeks help from a financial advisor who helps her create a plan to pay off her credit card debt. And Michael goes on job interviews in the hopes of finding steady employment.

The episode provides a candid look at the struggles of people dealing with debt and the emotional toll it takes on them. We see the stress and anxiety that come with not knowing if they will ever be able to pay off their debt and the fear of consequences such as eviction and ruined credit scores.

Despite the serious subject matter, the episode also provides hope and inspiration as we see the individuals take steps towards improving their financial situations. We see James starting to save money and create a budget, Samantha committing to paying off her debt, and Michael taking steps towards finding employment.

Overall, this episode of True Life is a sobering yet relatable look at the struggles of people dealing with debt, and the ways in which they can work towards finding solutions. It offers valuable insights and advice for anyone dealing with similar issues and is a reminder that there is always hope for a better financial future.

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  • First Aired
    February 25, 2007
  • Language