Gaiam TV What's Really In Our Food?

Watch Gaiam TV What's Really In Our Food?

  • 2011
  • 3 Seasons

Gaiam TV's What's Really In Our Food? is a fascinating and eye-opening series that explores the often murky and confusing world of food labeling and food additives. Hosted by nutrition expert and author, Andrea Donsky, each episode takes a deep dive into a specific aspect of the food industry, from the hidden dangers of processed meats to the truth about GMO labeling.

One of the standout features of the series is how accessible it is to anyone, regardless of their level of expertise in the realm of nutrition. Rather than overwhelming viewers with scientific jargon and complex data, Donsky breaks down each topic in a clear and concise manner, using relatable examples and real-life situations to illustrate her points. This makes the information both easy to understand and highly impactful, as viewers are able to see the real-world consequences of the food industry's questionable practices.

Another strength of What's Really In Our Food? is its ability to examine both sides of a particular issue. While Donsky is certainly passionate about promoting healthy eating habits and exposing the deceptive labeling tactics of the food industry, she also recognizes that there are valid arguments to be made on both sides of the debate. As such, the show has a balanced and nuanced approach that respects the complexity of the issues at hand.

Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of the series is its focus on the ways in which our food is manipulated and modified, often at the expense of our health. From emphasizing the importance of organic produce to exposing the hidden dangers of artificial sweeteners, Donsky is unflinching in her critique of the food industry's seemingly endless quest for profits at any cost.

Throughout the series, viewers are introduced to a wide range of experts in the field of nutrition and food safety, each providing valuable insights and perspectives. These interviews serve to reinforce the importance of the issues being discussed, and also provide a sense of hope that change is possible if enough people are educated and empowered to demand it.

Overall, What's Really In Our Food? is a must-see series for anyone who cares about their health and the health of their loved ones. By shining a light on the often-hidden dangers lurking in our food supply, this show provides a vital service to viewers, equipping them with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions about what they put on their plate. With its expert guidance, engaging format, and commitment to balanced reporting, Gaiam TV's What's Really In Our Food? is a standout series that deserves to be seen by as many people as possible.

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10. Beans
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9. Pork
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8. Shellfish
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7. Soy
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6. Yogurt
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Can Yogurt really help us lose weight? Are probiotics the elixir of life or marketing hype? What's really in our Yogurt?
  • Premiere Date
    December 31, 2011