99 and 44/100% Dead

Watch 99 and 44/100% Dead

"Everyone is dying to meet Harry Crown."
  • Passed
  • 1974
  • 1 hr 38 min
  • 5.5  (818)

In the 1974 action-comedy movie 99 and 44/100% Dead, Richard Harris plays a tough and witty hitman named Harry Crown, who is hired by a powerful gangster called Big Eddie (played by Edmond O'Brien) to take down his rival boss, Uncle Frank Kelly (played by Chuck Connors). The movie takes place in a colorful and gritty New York City, where gangsters and crooks roam freely and violence is an everyday occurrence.

Harry Crown, who describes himself as "a half-wit killer for hire," is not only a deadly shot but also a lover of women, booze, and fast cars. He is not afraid to use his wit and charm to get what he wants or to mock his enemies. When he is assigned to take down Uncle Frank Kelly, he initially hesitates, as Kelly has a reputation for being unbeatable. But he soon realizes that he has to act fast, as Big Eddie sets a deadline for him to complete the job.

The plot of the movie is straightforward but fast-paced and full of twists and turns. Harry Crown is aided by his friend and fellow hitman, Marvin "The Claw" Zuckerman (played by David Proval), who is obsessed with his pet parakeet and loves to play with a miniature electric train. Together, they use their wits and deadly skills to infiltrate Kelly's gang and disrupt his operations.

The movie is a mix of action, humor, and style. The director, John Frankenheimer (who also directed The Manchurian Candidate and Ronin), creates a visually striking and surreal world, where characters are colorful and eccentric, and violence is both brutal and comical. The movie features memorable scenes, such as a car chase through the streets of New York City, a shootout in a wax museum, and a bizarre confrontation between Harry Crown and a group of jazz musicians.

The cast of the movie is strong, with Richard Harris delivering a charismatic and witty performance as Harry Crown. He is a flawed and complex character, who is both likable and ruthless. Chuck Connors, who is best known for his roles in Western movies and TV shows, gives a solid performance as Uncle Frank Kelly. Edmond O'Brien, who won an Academy Award for his role in The Barefoot Contessa, is effective as the aging and desperate Big Eddie.

The movie received mixed reviews upon its release but has since gained a cult following among fans of action-comedy movies. It is a product of its time, with its over-the-top violence, humor, and style. But it also has a certain charm and energy that makes it enjoyable to watch. The title of the movie, 99 and 44/100% Dead, refers to the slogan of a soap company, Ivory soap, which claimed that its product was "99 and 44/100% pure." The significance of this reference is unclear, but it adds to the quirky and surreal flavor of the movie.

In conclusion, 99 and 44/100% Dead is an entertaining and offbeat movie that showcases the talent of its director and cast. It is a movie that doesn't take itself too seriously but still manages to deliver some thrilling and memorable moments. If you are a fan of action-comedy movies, or if you are looking for a fun and unpretentious movie to watch, then 99 and 44/100% Dead might be worth checking out.

99 and 44/100% Dead
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 38 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    5.5  (818)