Alien Files

Watch Alien Files

  • 2013
  • 2 Seasons

Alien Files from Destination America is a fascinating series that explores the world of extraterrestrial encounters and UFO sightings. The show takes a close look at real-life stories of people who claim to have had close encounters with aliens, as well as government agencies and officials who have investigated these bizarre phenomena.

Throughout the series, viewers are treated to a wealth of information about UFO sightings and alien encounters. The show features interviews with experts in the field of ufology, as well as firsthand accounts from eyewitnesses who have experienced things that defy explanation. From sightings of glowing orbs in the sky to reports of alien abductions, Alien Files explores a wide range of strange and mysterious events.

One of the most interesting things about the show is its focus on government cover-ups and conspiracies. There are countless stories of government officials who have tried to suppress information about UFO sightings and alien encounters, and Alien Files dives deep into these stories, attempting to uncover the truth behind them. Viewers will learn about secret government agencies and programs that are devoted to studying UFO sightings and collecting evidence of extraterrestrial activity.

The show also explores the different theories about what might be causing these strange events. Some experts believe that aliens are visiting Earth in spaceships, while others think that these sightings could be the result of secret military experiments or natural phenomena like ball lightning. Alien Files delves into each of these theories, providing viewers with a comprehensive understanding of the many different aspects of this fascinating subject.

Throughout the series, viewers are treated to a wealth of information about the history of UFO sightings and encounters. The show explores some of the most famous cases in the history of ufology, including the Roswell incident of 1947 and the Phoenix Lights of 1997. It also delves into lesser-known cases that have been overlooked by mainstream media, providing viewers with a much broader understanding of the subject as a whole.

In addition to its engaging content, Alien Files is also visually stunning. The show features breathtaking footage of the night sky, as well as reenactments of some of the most famous UFO sightings in history. Whether you're a skeptic or a true believer, watching Alien Files is an incredible experience that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the world around you.

Overall, Alien Files is a must-watch for anyone who is interested in the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. With its fascinating stories, expert interviews, and stunning visuals, the show is sure to captivate anyone who is curious about the mysteries of the universe. Whether you're a lifelong UFO enthusiast or simply interested in learning more about this fascinating topic, Alien Files is the perfect show for you.

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10. Blackouts!
February 20, 2014
Exploring the possibility that blackouts in the U.S. are a side effect of alien technology.
Bedroom Invaders
9. Bedroom Invaders
February 13, 2014
Reports of aliens infiltrating bedrooms.
Alien Plunder
8. Alien Plunder
January 30, 2014
Examining a suspected alien plot to steal Earth's natural resources.
Aliens & Civilization
7. Aliens & Civilization
January 23, 2014
Exploring ancient structures with possible connections to extraterrestrials.
Fatal Encounters
6. Fatal Encounters
January 16, 2014
Interviewing people who claim to have been abducted by aliens.
Soviet UFOs
5. Soviet UFOs
January 16, 2014
Examining UFO sightings in the Soviet Union.
The Laredo Incident
4. The Laredo Incident
January 9, 2014
Investigating a possible UFO crash in Laredo, Texas, that occurred in 1948.
Unidentified Submerged Objects
3. Unidentified Submerged Objects
January 9, 2014
Examining whether aliens lurk in the ocean.
2. Kecksburg
January 2, 2014
A closer look at a mysterious fiery crash that occurred in rural Pennsylvania in 1965.
1. Majestic
January 2, 2014
Summary not available
  • Premiere Date
    August 8, 2013