American Greed Season 4 Episode 26
American Greed
Season 4

Ep 26. The Black Widows

  • TVPG
  • February 10, 2010
  • 2580 min

In season 4 episode 26 of American Greed, entitled "The Black Widows," the show explores the case of two women who were convicted of murder in order to collect millions of dollars in insurance payouts. These women, Stacey Castor and Angelina Rodriguez, became known as the "Black Widows" due to their penchant for marrying men and then poisoning them with antifreeze.

The episode begins by introducing Stacey Castor, a mother of two who, after several failed marriages, met her third husband, David Castor, through a phone dating service. The couple seemed happy at first, but soon after their marriage, David became increasingly ill. He suffered from seizures and other health problems, and eventually died in his sleep in 2005. Stacey claimed that David had committed suicide by drinking antifreeze, but her story didn't add up and she was eventually charged with murder.

As the investigation into David's death continued, police uncovered evidence that Stacey had also been involved in the death of her first husband, Michael Wallace, who died in 2000 after drinking a mixture of vodka and antifreeze. Stacey had claimed that Michael had committed suicide, but again, the evidence didn't support her story. Stacey was eventually convicted of both murders and sentenced to 51 years to life in prison.

The episode also delves into the case of Angelina Rodriguez, who grew up in poverty and became involved in a life of crime at a young age. She served time in prison for robbery and drug offenses before meeting her husband, Jose Rodriguez. The couple had two children together, but their marriage was fraught with problems. Angelina became increasingly resentful of her husband and began to plot his murder in order to collect his life insurance policy.

In 2000, Angelina convinced her husband to take out a $250,000 life insurance policy and then began to slowly poison him with antifreeze. She enlisted the help of her lover, Bobby Cruz, and together they planned Jose's murder. They made it look like Jose had committed suicide by drinking antifreeze, but police soon uncovered evidence that pointed to foul play. Angelina and Bobby were both charged with murder and eventually convicted. Angelina was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole, while Bobby received a 25-year sentence.

Throughout the episode, viewers are given a glimpse into the lives of these women and the reasons why they resorted to murder in order to gain financial gain. The show also highlights the tireless work of law enforcement officials who were determined to bring these killers to justice. Overall, "The Black Widows" is a thought-provoking episode that raises important questions about the lengths some people will go to in order to satisfy their greed.

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  • First Aired
    February 10, 2010
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    2580 min
  • Language