American Playhouse Season 8 Episode 1

Ep 1. A Raisin in the Sun

  • February 1, 1989
  • 7.4  (240)

American Playhouse season 8 episode 1 is titled "A Raisin in the Sun" and is a powerful adaptation of Lorraine Hansberry's acclaimed play. Set in Chicago's South Side in the 1950s, the story centers on the Younger family, who are living in a cramped apartment and struggling to make ends meet.

Walter Lee Younger (Danny Glover) dreams of using his father's life insurance money to invest in a liquor store and improve their living situation, but his mother, Lena (Ruby Dee), has other ideas. She wants to use the money to buy a house for the family, and tensions rise as the family grapples with conflicting aspirations and the harsh realities of racism and poverty.

The ensemble cast brings Hansberry's rich characters to life, with standout performances from Glover and Dee. The family's relationships are complex and layered, and the script tackles issues of race, class, gender, and generational conflict with sensitivity and nuance.

Director Bill Duke deftly captures the play's themes and mood, using close-ups and tight angles to convey the family's cramped living conditions and heighten moments of tension. The sets and costumes also evoke the era and setting, with attention paid to small details that enhance the realism of the production.

The play's title comes from a Langston Hughes poem, which asks, "What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?" The play explores this question through the dreams and struggles of the Younger family, and its impact is still felt today.

Overall, "A Raisin in the Sun" is a timeless and poignant work of American theater, and this adaptation is a must-see for anyone interested in drama, social issues, or the African-American experience.

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  • First Aired
    February 1, 1989
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (240)