Forensic Files Season 1 Episode 75
Forensic Files
Season 1

Ep 75. Root of All Evil

  • TV-NR
  • October 1, 2001
  • 22 min
  • 7.0  (72)

Forensic Files season 1 episode 75, titled "Root of All Evil," follows the investigation of a bloody murder that took place in the small town of Staunton, Virginia. The episode opens with the discovery of the body of Dolly Hays, a 50-year-old woman who was found lying face down in a pool of blood in the bedroom of her home. She had been brutally attacked with an axe, and there was evidence of a struggle.

When the police arrived on the scene, they found that the house had been ransacked, suggesting that the motive for the crime was robbery. However, as they interviewed family and friends of the victim, they began to suspect that the motive may have been something more personal.

The investigation soon led police to a suspect: Michael Hash, a troubled young man with a history of drug abuse and criminal behavior. Hash had been arrested for stealing from the victim's home twice before, and he had also been caught with some of her possessions in his possession. Despite his criminal record, Hash denied any involvement in the murder.

The police were determined to bring the killer to justice, and they turned to forensic evidence to help crack the case. The episode explores the crucial role that forensic science played in the investigation, from the bloodstains on the murder weapon to the DNA evidence found on a cigarette butt at the scene.

As the evidence mounted against him, Hash's story changed, and he eventually confessed to the crime. However, the forensics continued to play a critical role in the case, as they helped to establish the timeline of events and to connect Hash to the murder weapon.

The episode delves into the personal lives of the victim and the suspect, as well as the broader context of drug abuse and poverty in the rural town where the crime took place. It also highlights the significance of forensic science in solving crimes, particularly in cases where the evidence is circumstantial or lacking.

Overall, "Root of All Evil" is a gripping episode of Forensic Files that blends human drama with scientific investigation. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of forensic science and its impact on the criminal justice system, while also telling a compelling story of a small-town murder and the search for justice.

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  • First Aired
    October 1, 2001
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    22 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.0  (72)