Impossible Engineering Season 7 Episode 11

Ep 11. NYC Mega Builds

  • March 11, 2020

In Impossible Engineering season 7 episode 11, viewers are taken on a journey to explore some of the most iconic and ambitious engineering feats in the heart of New York City. The episode focuses on three major projects- the Hudson Yards development, the Second Avenue Subway, and the Tappan Zee Bridge.

The Hudson Yards development is one of the largest real estate projects in US history, built on top of a working rail yard. The project required a complex engineering solution to create a massive platform that could support buildings, a public park, and a cultural center. Viewers are taken behind the scenes to witness the engineering challenges that were faced during the construction of the platform, which involved extensive excavation, soil stabilization, and structural design. The episode also explores some of the cutting-edge sustainable measures that were incorporated into the project, such as a rainwater harvesting system and a cogeneration plant that generates electricity and heat.

The Second Avenue Subway is another massive engineering feat that has been in the works for nearly a century. The project took on added importance following the events of 9/11, as it was seen as crucial to improving public transportation and supporting economic development on the East Side of Manhattan. The episode delves into the many engineering challenges that were faced in building the subway, including the complex geology of Manhattan, the presence of other infrastructure, and the need to minimize disruptions to the community. Viewers are also introduced to some of the innovative engineering solutions that were used during the construction process, such as a tunnel-boring machine that was customized to work in confined spaces and a system for monitoring ground water levels in real-time.

Finally, the episode turns its attention to the Tappan Zee Bridge, a critical artery for transportation and commerce in the Hudson Valley region. The bridge was in dire need of replacement, and a new state-of-the-art span was designed to replace it. The episode follows the intricate engineering work that was involved in the construction of the new bridge, from the creation of giant concrete columns to the installation of massive steel girders. Viewers are treated to stunning aerial footage of the bridge, which spans nearly four miles and required over 200,000 tons of steel and concrete to build.

Throughout the episode, viewers get a glimpse into the minds of the engineers and designers who made these projects possible. They discover how these impossible engineering feats were achieved through ingenuity, perseverance, and a willingness to overcome the limits of what was thought possible. Whether you're interested in architecture, infrastructure, or just the fascinating stories behind some of the world's most impressive structures, Impossible Engineering season 7 episode 11 is sure to captivate and inspire.

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  • First Aired
    March 11, 2020
  • Language