In An Instant Season 1 Episode 4
In An Instant
Season 1

Ep 4. Left for Dead

  • March 21, 2015
  • 7.7  (9)

In An Instant season 1 episode 4, titled "Left for Dead," tells the story of a young woman named Dana Michelle Woods, who was left fighting for her life after a senseless attack by a stranger. The episode recounts the events leading up to the attack, the terrifying ordeal itself, and the aftermath that followed.

Dana Michelle Woods was a 26-year-old college graduate who loved to dance and had dreams of opening her own dance studio. On the night of May 29, 2013, she was walking home from her job as a bartender in downtown Pittsburgh when she was approached by a man named Adrian Green.

Green had a history of mental illness and had been in and out of jail for years. He had a violent history but had been released from prison just weeks before the attack on Dana.

As Dana walked past him, Green suddenly attacked her, hitting her over the head with a brick and dragging her into an alley. He then proceeded to repeatedly beat her with the brick, leaving her for dead.

Despite suffering from multiple skull fractures, a collapsed lung, and other injuries, Dana managed to crawl out of the alley and was eventually found by a passerby who called for help.

She was rushed to the hospital where she underwent multiple surgeries and spent weeks in a coma. Her family and friends kept vigil by her bedside, praying for her recovery.

The episode features interviews with Dana, her family, and the doctors who treated her, as well as reenactments of the attack and the events leading up to it. It also explores the emotional impact the attack had on Dana's loved ones and the long road to recovery she faced.

Despite the odds, Dana survived the brutal attack and eventually returned to dancing, although she still suffers from the physical and emotional scars of that night. She has become an advocate for victims of violent crimes and works to raise awareness of the dangers of mental illness and the need for better treatment and support.

Overall, "Left for Dead" is a powerful and emotional episode that highlights the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable trauma and tragedy. It serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion, understanding, and the need to support those who have suffered from violent crimes.

Watch In An Instant - Left for Dead (s1 e4) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download
In An Instant, Season 1 Episode 4, is available to watch free on ABC and stream on ABC. You can also stream, download In An Instant on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    March 21, 2015
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (9)