Initial D: First Stage Season 1 Episode 14

Ep 14. Act. 14 Improving Genius of Drift

  • August 15, 1998

Keisuke Takahashi, the leader of the RedSuns racing team, is practicing on Mount Akagi in his Mazda RX-7. Meanwhile, Takumi Fujiwara and his friend Itsuki are driving to the tofu shop when they encounter Ryosuke Takahashi, Keisuke's brother and leader of the Akagi RedSuns team. Ryosuke challenges Takumi to a race, but Takumi declines, saying he is not interested in racing. Ryosuke then reveals to Takumi that he has been analyzing his driving techniques and believes that he has the potential to become a great racer.

Later, at the gas station, Takumi meets a girl named Natsuki who admires him for his driving skills. She invites him to a barbecue party that her friends are hosting at a nearby beach. Takumi agrees to go but becomes self-conscious about his lack of experience with girls.

Meanwhile, Keisuke is struggling to improve his drifting technique on Mount Akagi. He realizes that he needs to change his driving style to keep up with the competition, but is not sure how to do so. He seeks the advice of his friend, a professional racer named Aikawa, who tells him that he needs to improve his reaction time and understand the physics of his car's movements.

Back at the beach, Takumi is feeling out of place among Natsuki's friends, who are all wealthy and from prestigious schools. He is surprised to learn that one of Natsuki's friends is a member of the Akagi RedSuns racing team. The racer, named Nakazato, challenges Takumi to a race on the mountain. Takumi initially refuses but changes his mind when he learns that Nakazato has been talking about him behind his back.

The next day, Takumi and Nakazato meet on Mount Akagi for their race. Nakazato is confident in his abilities and mocks Takumi for driving an old, beat-up car. However, Takumi surprises him with his skillful driving and ultimately wins the race.

Back at the beach, Natsuki tells Takumi that she has fallen in love with him because of his passion for driving. Takumi, who is still not used to attention from girls, is uncertain how to respond.

The episode ends with Keisuke practicing his drifting technique on Mount Akagi, determined to become a better racer.

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  • First Aired
    August 15, 1998
  • Language