Inside Edition Season 27 Episode 118
Inside Edition
Season 27

Ep 118. Episode 118

  • June 15, 2015

Inside Edition is a popular news and entertainment television program that has been on air for over 25 years. Each episode is packed with fascinating stories, celebrity gossip, current events, and investigative journalism. Episode 118 of season 27 is no exception and promises to be full of interesting and informative content.

The show begins with a segment on the controversial topic of plastic waste. With the rise of plastic pollution and plastic waste in the environment becoming more and more apparent, Inside Edition takes a closer look at how supermarkets are contributing to the problem. The episode delves into the use of single-use plastic bags, the overuse of plastic packaging, and the lack of recycling facilities in many cities. Viewers will learn about the impacts of plastic waste on wildlife and the planet, and what they can do to help reduce plastic waste in their daily lives.

In another segment, the show explores the incredible rescue of a man who was trapped under a collapsed building for five days following an earthquake in Nepal. The man's story is one of survival against all the odds, and viewers will hear from him directly about how he managed to endure his ordeal. Inside Edition also speaks to the rescuers and volunteers who worked tirelessly to free him from the rubble. The episode looks at how natural disasters can bring out the best in people, highlighting the heroism and bravery of those who dedicate their lives to helping others during times of crisis.

In a third segment, Inside Edition looks at the world of body art and tattoos. The episode examines the booming business of tattoo removal, which has become a lucrative industry in recent years. Viewers will hear from tattoo removal experts and see firsthand the painful and expensive process of having a tattoo removed. The episode also explores the reasons why people get tattoos in the first place, and the social and cultural significance of body art in different parts of the world.

Another exciting segment in episode 118 is an in-depth investigation into the world of counterfeit merchandise. Inside Edition examines the booming market for fake designer handbags, shoes, and clothing, and how counterfeit goods are flooding into the United States and other countries around the world. The episode talks to customs officials and investigators who are trying to stop the flow of fake goods, and looks at the danger that counterfeit products can pose to consumers. Viewers will learn how to spot a fake, and what steps they can take to protect themselves from counterfeit scams.

In a lighter segment, Inside Edition takes a closer look at the world of celebrity pets. The episode examines the lives of pampered pooches and celebrity cats, with a particular focus on social media influencers who have tens of thousands of followers. Viewers will see some of the most famous celebrity pets in the world, and learn how these animals are living the high life alongside their celebrity owners. The segment also takes a look at some of the more outrageous pets owned by celebrities, including some exotic animals that you wouldn't normally find in a domestic setting.

Finally, the episode ends with a heartwarming story about a young girl who was given a life-changing gift by a complete stranger. The story follows the journey of a woman who underwent a groundbreaking surgery that allowed her to donate part of her liver to save the life of a young girl who was suffering from a rare liver disease. The episode looks at the incredible generosity of strangers and how organ donation can save lives.

In conclusion, episode 118 of season 27 of Inside Edition is a captivating and informative episode that covers a wide range of topics from plastic waste to celebrity pets. The show provides a mix of hard-hitting investigative journalism and entertaining fluff pieces, making it a must-watch for fans of news and entertainment. Viewers will come away from this episode with a better understanding of the world around them and plenty of food for thought.

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  • First Aired
    June 15, 2015
  • Language