Inside Man Season 4 Episode 3
Inside Man
Season 4

Ep 3. The Truth About Toxins

  • June 17, 2016
  • 40 min

Inside Man season 4 episode 3, titled "The Truth About Toxins," takes a deep dive into the world of toxic chemicals and their impact on our environment and health. The episode follows host and filmmaker Morgan Spurlock as he investigates the use of toxins in everyday products and the regulations in place to protect consumers.

Spurlock speaks with experts in the field, including toxicologists and environmental advocates, to uncover the truth about the safety of common household items. He visits a lab where scientists test products for toxic chemicals and learns about the lack of regulations surrounding these substances.

The episode also explores the impact of toxins on the environment, particularly on the water supply. Spurlock speaks with activists fighting to protect their communities from the dangers of toxic waste dumping and contamination.

Throughout the episode, Spurlock emphasizes the need for increased transparency and regulation around the use and disposal of toxic chemicals. He encourages viewers to educate themselves on the products they use and demand action from companies and lawmakers to protect public health and the environment.

"The Truth About Toxins" is a thought-provoking and informative episode that sheds light on an often-overlooked issue. It will leave viewers questioning the safety of the products they use and the need for stronger regulations around toxic chemicals.

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  • First Aired
    June 17, 2016
  • Runtime
    40 min
  • Language