Jimmy Kimmel Live! Season 19 Episode 16
Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Season 19

Ep 16. Patrick Dempsey, Clare Crawley, One Republic

  • TV14
  • October 13, 2020

Patrick Dempsey, Clare Crawley, and One Republic are the special guests on tonight's episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live. With an array of talent and personalities on the show, audience members can expect a night full of laughter, entertainment, and possibly even a few surprises.

As a highly-acclaimed actor, Patrick Dempsey will share his experiences and insights from his illustrious career on screen. He may provide a sneak peek of his upcoming projects and hint at what he loves about the industry he has excelled in for so many years. Kimmel and Dempsey may even discuss some of Dempsey's ventures off-screen, as he has been heavily involved in philanthropy and activism throughout his life.

Next on the guest list is Clare Crawley, a fan favorite from her time on The Bachelorette. After a drama-filled season, Crawley is sure to have plenty to say about her time on the show. She may discuss what led her to the decision she made and how she feels about the outcome of her journey. Viewers can expect plenty of behind-the-scenes commentary, and perhaps even a few humorous anecdotes from her time on the show.

Closing out the lineup of guests on tonight's episode is the popular band, One Republic. With catchy hits like "Counting Stars" and "Apologize," the band has made a name for themselves in the music industry. Kimmel and the band will undoubtedly discuss some of their biggest hits and their process for creating music. Fans of the band may also get an inside look into what they have planned for the future.

As always, Kimmel will provide his unique brand of humor throughout the show. He may offer commentary on current events, share his thoughts on some of the news of the day, or even offer some witty commentary on some of the guests' previous work. Viewers can expect plenty of laughs and light-hearted moments throughout the show.

Overall, tonight's episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live promises to be a night of entertainment, insights, surprises, and of course, laughter. With such a diverse lineup of guests and topics to discuss, audience members are sure to be thoroughly entertained from start to finish.

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  • First Aired
    October 13, 2020
  • Content Rating
  • Language