Kids' Bible Stories Season 2 Episode 21

Ep 21. Jesus Calls A Tax Collector

  • 3 min

Jesus Calls A Tax Collector is an exciting episode from season 2 of Kids' Bible Stories that will take children on a journey through one of the most important moments in the life of Jesus. In this episode, children will learn about the calling of Levi, a tax collector, by Jesus. The episode teaches important lessons about forgiveness, following Jesus, and treating others with kindness and acceptance.

The episode begins with the introduction of Levi, a tax collector who is disliked by many people in the community because of his occupation. During the time of Jesus, tax collectors were seen as traitors to the Jewish people because they worked for the Roman government and collected taxes from their own people. As a result, many tax collectors were outcasts in society and were often looked down upon by others.

In this episode, Jesus sees Levi sitting in his tax booth and calls out to him, telling him to follow him. Levi is surprised by Jesus' request and wonders why he would want to be associated with a tax collector like himself. However, Jesus sees something in Levi that others do not and recognizes that he has a good heart and a desire to change.

As Levi follows Jesus, he is amazed by the love and kindness he receives from him. He sees how Jesus treats others with respect and dignity and quickly becomes one of his disciples. Through his experiences with Jesus, Levi learns the importance of repentance and forgiveness and begins to transform himself into a person who is kind, caring, and compassionate towards others.

Throughout the episode, children will learn about the power of forgiveness and how it can change lives. They will see how Jesus reaches out to those who are rejected by society and how he welcomes them with open arms. They will also learn about the importance of following Jesus and the impact it can have on their own lives.

In addition, the episode teaches children about treating others with kindness and acceptance. Levi's experience with Jesus shows how a person's occupation or social status does not determine their worth or value as a person. Children will learn the importance of looking past differences and treating others with respect and kindness.

Overall, Jesus Calls A Tax Collector is an engaging and educational episode from Kids' Bible Stories that is sure to capture the hearts and minds of children. It offers important lessons about forgiveness, following Jesus, and treating others with love and respect that are relevant to children today. Through the story of Levi, children will learn that no one is too far gone to be saved and that everyone has the potential to change and become better people.

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  • Runtime
    3 min
  • Language