Live PD Season 2 Episode 33
Live PD
Season 2

Ep 33. 02.16.18

  • February 16, 2018
  • 7.9  (11)

Live PD is a reality TV show that takes viewers on a ride-along with police officers across the United States. The show provides a live feed of the law enforcement job as it happens, allowing the audience to witness both the dangers and rewards of policing.

Season 2 episode 33 of Live PD is titled 02.16.18, and it features a complete night of live policing in different areas of the country. The show starts with a warning to the viewers that this is not a sanitized view of police work, as they will be watching real events unfold in real-time.

One of the first calls that the audience can witness is about an alleged hit-and-run incident in Florida. When the officers arrive, they discover that two cars have collided and both drivers appear to be blameless. After reviewing security camera footage that captures the accident scene, the perpetrator is found, and the offers take them in for further questioning.

The next call comes from Tulsa, Oklahoma, where two officers are called to investigate a fight between two women. The fight started after an argument over a man, and both women have visible injuries. Once the officers have separated them, the women continue to argue and trading blames. But with no clear aggressor, all they can do is advise them to stay away from each other.

Meanwhile, in Lawrence, Indiana, an officer on patrol spots a parked car with the lights on. Upon examination, the officer discovers two people passed out in the car, surrounded by drug paraphernalia. They appear to have overdosed on opioids, and the officer administers naloxone to revive them before calling in paramedics.

The show also shows a segment on a wanted fugitive who has been on the run for a long time. Local police have been trying to capture him for a while, and the show provides a behind-the-scenes look at the tracking and planning that go into an operation to capture a person like this.

The next call takes the viewers to Bridgeport, Connecticut, where an officer responds to a noise complaint at an apartment complex. Upon arriving at the scene, the officer finds a group of young people gathered around a music player, smoking marijuana. The officer requests them to disperse, but when one of them becomes irate, he calls for backup.

One of the highlights of the episode is the K-9 segment, where officers use trained dogs to search a school for drugs. Throughout the night, the dogs are used in various ways, from tracking down fugitives to detecting narcotics. The K-9 officers demonstrate their skills and provide insight into the day-to-day responsibilities of their role.

The show also features a segment on the use of body cameras and how they have impacted policing. Through examples from different states, the audience can see how body cameras provide invaluable evidence and encourage accountability on both sides.

As the night wears on, the officers respond to various calls, from noise complaints to traffic accidents. Each call gives the viewers a glimpse into different areas of the country and the challenges that police officers face on a daily basis. The show provides an unscripted, unbiased view of policing, allowing the audience to make their conclusions.

In conclusion, Live PD season 2 episode 33 offers an insightful, real-life view of policing in America. The show's unscripted nature is intriguing and engaging, and the audience can witness both the positive and negative aspects of the policing job. From drug busts to noise complaints, the show provides a raw and unedited look at a night in the life of police officers.

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  • First Aired
    February 16, 2018
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.9  (11)