Lucky Dog Season 5 Episode 15
Lucky Dog
Season 5

Ep 15. Scout

  • February 24, 2018

In Lucky Dog season 5 episode 15, we meet Scout, a charming mixed breed puppy who is in need of a forever home. Brandon, the show's host and trainer, is determined to find Scout the perfect match.

Scout is a playful ball of energy who loves to run and explore. He has a gentle disposition and enjoys the company of both humans and other dogs. However, despite his friendly nature, Scout has some bad habits that Brandon needs to work on before he can be adopted.

One of Scout's biggest issues is his leash pulling. When Brandon tries to take Scout for a walk, the puppy pulls on the leash and tries to run ahead. This can be dangerous for both Scout and his potential owner, as it increases the risk of accidents. Brandon works with Scout on the "heel" command, teaching him to walk calmly by his side on the leash.

Another challenge that Brandon faces with Scout is his separation anxiety. When left alone, Scout becomes distressed and starts to chew on things he shouldn't. Brandon works on desensitizing Scout to his owner's absence, gradually building up the amount of time the puppy can spend alone without becoming anxious.

As always, Lucky Dog season 5 episode 15 showcases Brandon's training methods, which are based on positive reinforcement and patience. He uses treats and praise to encourage good behavior, rather than punishment or aggression. This approach not only helps Scout learn quickly, but also strengthens the bond between Brandon and the pup.

In addition to working on Scout's behavior issues, Brandon also introduces him to various training exercises. He teaches Scout how to "sit" and "stay," as well as how to go up and down stairs. These basic commands are essential for any dog, and will make Scout a more well-behaved and obedient companion.

Throughout the episode, we see Scout's personality shine through. He is a goofy and affectionate pup who loves to play and cuddle. Brandon notes that Scout would be a great fit for a family with children, but also warns that his high energy levels may not be ideal for those who prefer a more laid-back lifestyle.

In the end, Lucky Dog season 5 episode 15 has a heartwarming conclusion as Scout finally finds his forever home. Brandon carefully selects a family who will give Scout the love and attention he deserves, and who are willing to continue his training. We see Scout's excitement and joy as he meets his new owners, tail wagging furiously.

Overall, Lucky Dog season 5 episode 15 is a delightful episode that showcases the bonds between dogs and humans. Scout is a lovable and lively pup who captures our hearts with his playful antics, and Brandon's training techniques are both informative and entertaining. Whether you're a dog lover or just enjoy heartwarming reality shows, this episode is definitely worth a watch.

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Lucky Dog, Season 5 Episode 15, is available to watch free on BYUtv and stream on CBS. You can also stream, download Lucky Dog on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    February 24, 2018
  • Language