Lucky Dog Season 7 Episode 23
Lucky Dog
Season 7

Ep 23. Lincoln

  • May 5, 2020

Lucky Dog is a heartwarming show that follows animal trainer Brandon McMillan as he rescues and trains shelter dogs to become loving pets for families in need. In season 7, episode 23, titled "Lincoln," Brandon takes on the challenge of training a timid Labrador Retriever mix named Lincoln.

Lincoln is a lovable two-year-old pup who has spent most of his life in a shelter. Though he is friendly and affectionate with people he knows, he is fearful of new situations and tends to shy away from unfamiliar people and animals. Brandon knows that with the right training and socialization, Lincoln can overcome his fears and become a confident and well-behaved family pet.

The episode begins with Brandon meeting Lincoln for the first time at the shelter. Lincoln is hesitant to approach Brandon, but he eventually allows the trainer to pet him. Brandon notes Lincoln's nervous behavior and decides to take him to his training facility to assess his behavior and begin his training.

At the training facility, Brandon observes Lincoln's fearfulness in new environments and with unfamiliar people. He begins working with the dog in a controlled environment, using positive reinforcement techniques to help him build confidence. Brandon also introduces Lincoln to other dogs, carefully monitoring their interactions to ensure that Lincoln feels safe and comfortable.

Over time, Lincoln begins to show progress in his training. He becomes more confident and less anxious, and he even starts to play with the other dogs at the facility. Brandon decides that Lincoln is ready for his next challenge - meeting potential adopters.

Brandon takes Lincoln to a local park to meet a couple who are interested in adopting him. The couple is impressed by Lincoln's gentle demeanor and loving personality, but they are concerned about his fearfulness. Brandon reassures them that with continued training and socialization, Lincoln can overcome his fears and become a confident pet. The couple ultimately decides to adopt Lincoln and take him home to their family.

The episode ends with Lincoln settling into his new home, surrounded by his new family and his furry siblings. Though he still has some fears to overcome, Lincoln is on his way to becoming a happy and well-adjusted pet thanks to Brandon's training and the love of his new family.

Overall, "Lincoln" is a heartwarming episode that showcases the power of positive reinforcement training to help dogs overcome their fears and become loving pets. Through the patience and dedication of Brandon and the love of his new family, Lincoln is able to leave his shelter life behind and start a new chapter as a beloved family pet.

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  • First Aired
    May 5, 2020
  • Language