
Watch Malaka

  • 2019
  • 1 Season
  • 7.3  (341)

Malaka is a Spanish television series about a detective, Blanca Gámez (played by Maggie Civantos), who is investigating the disappearance of a young girl in the city of Malaga. The show takes its name from the city itself, which is sometimes referred to as "Malaka" in local slang.

Blanca is a tough and determined cop who is willing to go to great lengths to solve the case. She is aided in her investigation by a local journalist, Quino (played by Salva Reina), who has his own reasons for wanting to solve the case. The two of them are an unlikely pair, but they form a strong bond as they work together to uncover the truth.

The show also features a number of other interesting characters, including Vicente Romero as a drug lord known as "El Tuti" who becomes a major player in the investigation. There are also other cops, criminals, and civilians who are all connected in various ways to the case.

Malaka is a gritty and intense crime drama that explores some of the darker aspects of life in modern Spain. It is not a show for the faint of heart, as it deals with some difficult subject matter and includes some graphic violence and sexual content. However, for those who enjoy this type of drama, it is a well-crafted and engrossing show.

One of the strengths of Malaka is its setting. Malaga is a beautiful city on the southern coast of Spain, and the show takes full advantage of its gorgeous locations. From the narrow streets of the historic city center to the sprawling estates in the hills above the city, there is a real sense of place in Malaka. The show does an excellent job of capturing the unique atmosphere of the city, which is a mix of old-world charm and modern urbanity.

Another strength of the show is its cast. Maggie Civantos is a talented actress who brings a lot of depth and complexity to the character of Blanca. She is tough and unyielding, but also vulnerable and haunted by her past. Salva Reina is equally compelling as Quino, and the two of them have fantastic chemistry onscreen. Vicente Romero is also excellent as El Tuti, bringing a sense of danger and unpredictability to the role.

Overall, Malaka is a well-crafted and engrossing crime drama that is sure to appeal to fans of the genre. It is a dark and intense show that is not for the faint of heart, but for those who enjoy this type of drama, it is sure to be a captivating watch. With its gorgeous setting, talented cast, and compelling storyline, Malaka is a must-watch for anyone looking for a high-quality crime drama.

Malaka is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (8 episodes). The series first aired on September 9, 2019.

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October 21, 2019
Quino y Blanca descubren que sus vidas están estrechamente vinculadas a causa de un trágico evento que las conectó en el pasado, y comprenden que ha llegado el momento de enfrentar la verdad para salvarse a sí mismos. Por su lado, Darío se ve ante la última oportunidad de salvar a su hijo.
October 14, 2019
Cuando Blanca y Quino dan con el escenario del crimen, ya sospechan que no tardarán mucho en descubrir quién mató a Noelia, sin embargo, un detalle sobre las fiestas que se celebraban en la mansión de Castañeda, les dejará absolutamente estupefactos.
October 7, 2019
Blanca Y Quino descubren por fin quién era realmente la misteriosa Noelia, logrando así un sorprendente avance en la investigación, pero Darío, tras haber decidido por su cuenta presionar a Sarabia para mandar a la cárcel a Castañeda, se enfrenta ahora a las terribles consecuencias.
September 30, 2019
Traicionado y solo, Darío tendrá que tomar la decisión más arriesgada de su vida si quiere salvar a los suyos, mientras Blanca y Quino descubren la conexión entre el misterioso Oro y ciertas personalidades de las más altas esferas, entre ellos el padre de Noelia, Germán Castañeda.
September 23, 2019
El Oro abandona sus escenarios privilegiados y llega a los barrios, despertando ambiciones, enfrentamientos y traiciones entre los clanes. Mientras Quino y Blanca se ven cada vez más lejos de sus respectivas familias, Darío encuentra un espacio para la paz en Ruth, la joven guardia civil madrileña.
September 16, 2019
Blanca descubre que el detective Romero fue en realidad un respetado policía y que trabajó a las órdenes de su padre, el comisario Gámez, hasta que Romero renunció por motivos que aún no conoce nadie. Mientras, Darío recibe un duro golpe de sus enemigos viéndose afectada Salomé, la madre de su hijo.
September 9, 2019
Con la aparición del cuerpo de Noelia en el mar, Blanca y Darío se adentran en el misterioso universo de la víctima interrogando a los primeros sospechosos, mientras el detective Romero se entromete en la investigación a riesgo de perder su licencia y poner en peligro su estabilidad familiar.
September 9, 2019
Blanca investiga la desaparición de Noelia, pero Darío parece más preocupado por descubrir el origen de una nueva droga que amenaza con enfrentar a los clanes de Málaga. Paralelamente, el detective Romero descubre los primeros signos de conexión entre la nueva droga y la desaparición de la chica.
Where to Watch Malaka
Malaka is available for streaming on the TVE website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Malaka on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    September 9, 2019
  • IMDB Rating
    7.3  (341)