Man On The Moon (News Special)

Watch Man On The Moon (News Special)

  • 1969

Man On The Moon is a remarkable news special program presented exclusively on CBS All Access. It takes viewers back in time, nearly five decades ago, to showcase one of the most significant moments in human history—the first-ever landing of man on the moon. The show offers a fascinating look back at the triumphs, challenges, and anxieties of the Apollo 11 mission that culminated in the historic lunar touchdown on July 20, 1969.

The hour-long special takes us through the days leading up to the launch of the Apollo 11 spacecraft, the incredible journey to the moon, and the nail-biting moments of the descent and the landing as narrated by various key players in the event. Throughout the program, several eminent personalities who were part of the historic mission, including astronauts, engineers, and journalists, share their recollections and insights into the incredible feat.

The news special is filled with gripping visuals and rare footage, capturing the excitement and anticipation that gripped the world as the Apollo 11 mission unfolded. The show takes viewers through the archives of CBS News footage, including interviews with mission personnel and first-time shots from the lunar surface. These incredible visuals complement the testimony from the likes of astronaut and Apollo 11 crew member Michael Collins, who was the pilot of the Command Module that orbited the moon while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made their historic lunar landing.

The program also features interviews with journalists, including Walter Cronkite, who was the anchor of the CBS Evening News during Apollo 11, and journalist John Noble Wilford, who was covering the mission for The New York Times. The reporters offer unique perspectives on the unfolding events, including their experiences of watching the historic event and trying to capture it in words and pictures.

Man On The Moon provides a behind-the-scenes look at the men and women who played a crucial role in the Apollo 11 mission. From engineers who designed and built the spacecraft to the mission controllers who guided the astronauts from the earth, the news special showcases the immense effort, dedication, and teamwork that went into making the lunar landing possible. Interviews with several key players, including flight director Gene Kranz, reveal the intimate details of the mission control room during the mission.

As an exclusive program on CBS All Access, this news special provides an up-close look at one of the most impressive achievements in the field of space exploration. It does so in a captivating and engaging manner that immerses viewers in the events and captures the enormity of the accomplishment. The show offers fascinating insights into the technical challenges, political climate, and human spirit that went into making the moon landing a reality.

In conclusion, Man On The Moon is a compelling news special that provides an in-depth and behind-the-scenes look at the events surrounding the Apollo 11 mission. With mesmerizing footage and interviews with key players, the program offers a nuanced perspective on the achievement while exploring the excitement and anxiety of the time. The hour-long special is a must-watch for anyone interested in space exploration or historic events that shaped the world as we know it today.