Midori Days Season 1 Episode 4
Midori Days
Season 1

Ep 4. Discovery of the Secret!?

  • April 24, 2004
  •   (5)

Midori Days season 1 episode 4, "Discovery of the Secret!?" follows the story of Seiji and his ongoing struggle with having a girl, Midori, magically appear as his right hand. The episode introduces a new character named Shuichi Takamizawa, who is a classmate of Seiji and Midori. Shuichi has a reputation for being a perverted playboy, but he is also the only person who has noticed that something is off with Seiji and Midori.

The story begins with Seiji trying to sneak Midori into his classroom during lunchtime, but she accidentally falls out of his sleeve and is seen by Shuichi. Seiji tries to play it off as a joke, but Shuichi seems to be on to something. Later in the day, Shuichi approaches Seiji and reveals that he knows about Midori and wants to help him figure out how to get her back to normal. Seiji is hesitant at first, but eventually agrees to let Shuichi help.

The two boys start by researching online about how to break the curse that turned Midori into a hand. They come across a website that claims to have a magical solution, but they quickly realize it is a scam. Frustrated, Seiji and Shuichi decide to take matters into their own hands and try to find the source of the curse.

They track down a mysterious woman named Beniko who claims to be an expert in curses. She tells them that the curse on Midori was most likely caused by someone who was jealous of Seiji and wanted to punish him. She also reveals that the curse can only be broken if the person who cast it wants to release it.

Seiji and Shuichi are discouraged by this news, but they refuse to give up. As they walk home from their meeting with Beniko, they come across a group of thugs who are harassing a girl. Seiji and Shuichi step in to help, but things quickly escalate and they end up getting into a fight. Midori, who is still attached to Seiji's arm, desperately tries to help by punching the thugs with her free hand.

As the fight comes to an end, the girl they were trying to help reveals that she is the one who put the curse on Midori. She explains that she was jealous of Seiji because he had rejected her, and she wanted to make him suffer by turning his crush into a hand. Seiji is shocked and angry, but before he can do anything, the girl runs away.

The episode ends with Seiji and Shuichi pondering their next move. They realize that they need to find the girl and convince her to break the curse, but they have no idea where she went. Meanwhile, Midori is left feeling hurt and confused by the revelation that someone she cared about had betrayed her.

Overall, Midori Days season 1 episode 4 is an engaging and emotional installment in the series. It explores the themes of jealousy and betrayal, while also showcasing the bond between Seiji and Midori and the lengths they will go to in order to help each other. The introduction of Shuichi as a new character adds an interesting dynamic to the story, and raises the stakes for Seiji and Midori's predicament. Fans of the show will not want to miss this episode.

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  • First Aired
    April 24, 2004
  • Language