Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 21

Ep 21. The Door to Reform

  • March 1, 2009

In Mobile Suit Gundam 00 season 2 episode 21, titled "The Door to Reform," the stage is set for a possible truce between the Federation and the rebel group, Celestial Being. As the world faces the threat of war, Setsuna and his team attempt to negotiate a ceasefire while grappling with their own allegiances and ideologies.

As the episode begins, Setsuna makes contact with Katharon's spokesperson, Shirin Bakhtiar, to discuss a potential peace agreement. Meanwhile, the Celestial Being team faces internal conflict as they struggle to reconcile their desire for peace with their mission to eliminate war.

One of the main themes in this episode is the idea of reform. The characters of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 are all fighting for change in their own way, whether it be through violence or diplomacy. As Setsuna attempts to negotiate with Katharon, he is faced with the challenge of convincing his former ally, Saji Crossroad, to abandon his violent tactics and join their side.

Throughout the episode, we see numerous flashbacks and character moments that shed light on the various motivations driving each character's actions. For example, we learn more about Saji's backstory and his reasons for joining Katharon, as well as the tragic history of the Innovators.

As the negotiations intensify, tensions rise between the various factions involved in the war. The Federation, the Innovators, and Celestial Being are all vying for control, each with their own agenda and methods. However, as Setsuna and Shirin continue to talk, it becomes clear that there may be a way for all sides to come together in pursuit of a common goal: peace.

The Door to Reform is a key episode in Mobile Suit Gundam 00 season 2, setting the stage for the series' thrilling conclusion. As the conflict between Celestial Being and the Federation reaches a boiling point, the characters must decide whether to stick with their beliefs or embrace change in pursuit of a better future. With stunning action sequences, thought-provoking themes, and a gripping storyline, this episode is a must-see for fans of the anime.

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  • First Aired
    March 1, 2009
  • Language