Watch MTV2 Presents CRWN

  • 1969

MTV2 Presents CRWN is a music interview series that features in-depth conversations with some of the most prominent and influential figures in the hip-hop industry. Hosted by veteran journalist Elliott Wilson, the show provides fans with an inside look into the lives and creative processes of their favorite artists.

Each episode of CRWN begins with Wilson introducing the featured guest and discussing some of their most notable achievements and contributions to the genre. From there, the conversation typically delves into a wide range of topics, including the artist's upbringing, their early musical influences, and their experiences breaking into the industry. Guests also discuss their creative processes, detailing how they craft their lyrics and melodies and how they stay inspired.

One of the things that sets CRWN apart from other music interview shows is its focus on the personal experiences of the guests. While other shows may delve into the technical aspects of music production and performance, CRWN goes deeper, exploring the emotions and motivations that drive some of the most talented musicians in the world.

Throughout the show, Wilson proves himself to be an adept interviewer, guiding the conversation in a way that allows his guests to open up and speak candidly. He also does his research, often referencing specific lyrics or moments in an artist's career that reveal deeper insights into their lives and work.

Recent guests on CRWN have included some of the biggest names in hip-hop, such as Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar, and Nas. In each episode, Wilson and his guests discuss their experiences with fame, the creative process behind their music, and the ways in which they view themselves within the broader cultural landscape.

Overall, MTV2 Presents CRWN is a must-watch for anyone who loves hip-hop and wants to learn more about the artists who shape the genre. With its insightful interviews, engaging host, and diverse range of guests, the show offers a unique perspective on the world of music that is unlike anything else on television.