My Boys Season 3 Episode 3
My Boys
Season 3

Ep 3. The Boyfriend Hat

  • April 14, 2009
  • 6.7  (36)

The episode "The Boyfriend Hat" is the third episode of the third season of the TV show My Boys. In this hilarious and relatable episode, the group of friends we have come to love find themselves in yet another sticky situation.

In this episode, which is centered around the theme of relationships, PJ and her group of buddies embark on a journey filled with confusion, misunderstandings, and self-discovery. As usual, their dynamic and witty banter keep the episode lighthearted and entertaining.

The episode kicks off with our leading lady, PJ Franklin, a sports columnist, basking in her independence and contentment with being single. As she navigates the dating world, her friend circle rallies around her with advice, anecdotes, and their own romantic endeavors.

PJ's best friend, Bobby, starts the episode by unveiling his new invention, "The Boyfriend Hat." This seemingly ordinary hat is equipped with a switch that allows the wearer to temporarily turn on their boyfriend persona, providing a glimpse into the world of relationships. The concept is both bizarre and intriguing, leaving the gang with mixed emotions and curiosity.

As the group tries on the hats and experiments with their newfound "boyfriend" personas, it becomes evident that even though the concept is comical, it also reveals a deeper desire for love and companionship within each of them. The hats act as a catalyst for self-reflection, sparking conversations about longing, dating, and the intricacies of romantic relationships.

Throughout the episode, PJ finds herself caught in the middle of two different men vying for her attention. One is a new co-worker, Evan, who seemingly checks all the boxes on her list, while the other is Brendan, her close friend who has been harboring a secret crush on her for quite some time. As PJ grapples with her conflicting feelings and tries to decipher her romantic inclinations, the episode explores the complexities of friendships turning into relationships.

Meanwhile, Mike, PJ's brother, finds himself in a predicament when his new girlfriend, Courtney, discovers some misinterpretations regarding his intentions. As he tries to navigate the waters of good communication and clarity in their rapidly developing relationship, Mike faces challenges that many viewers can relate to. The episode delves into the importance of open and honest communication for the success of any relationship.

As the episode progresses, the gang's laughter and camaraderie provide a comforting backdrop to their romantic entanglements. They support one another, offer advice, and make light of the awkward moments, highlighting the strength of their friendships and the bond they share.

The heartfelt episode ultimately serves as a reminder that love, in all its forms, can be complicated. It explores the struggles and joys of relationships, reminds us of the importance of communication, and brings to light the insecurities and vulnerabilities we all face when it comes to matters of the heart.

"The Boyfriend Hat" is another witty and relatable addition to the My Boys series. With its humorous take on relationships and the unwavering support of friendship, this episode leaves viewers with a warm feeling and a desire to continue following the lives and romantic endeavors of PJ and her lovable gang of friends.

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  • First Aired
    April 14, 2009
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.7  (36)