Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 6 Episode 12

Ep 12. The Sinister Urge

  • November 5, 1994
  • 92 min
  • 2.6  (1,681)

The sixth season of Mystery Science Theater 3000 is in full swing with its twelfth episode, "The Sinister Urge." The series follows the exploits of Joel Robinson (played by Joel Hodgson) and his robot pals Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot as they are forced to watch terrible B-movies while stranded in space aboard the Satellite of Love.

In this episode, the gang is forced to endure one of the more infamous films in MST3K history, "The Sinister Urge." Directed by Hollywood legend Ed Wood, the film follows the dark underbelly of the porn industry as a string of murders brings a cop (played by Carl Anthony) and a producer (played by Conrad Brooks) together in a quest to catch the killer.

As with most films that find their way onto MST3K, "The Sinister Urge" is a particularly bad example of its genre. Ed Wood is infamous for his low-budget, poorly-made films, and "The Sinister Urge" is no exception. The acting is wooden, the dialogue is painfully stilted, and the direction is amateurish at best. However, these shortcomings make for perfect fodder for Joel and the robots to riff on.

Throughout the episode, the gang takes aim at everything from the film's bizarre plot to its nonsensical dialogue. Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot are particularly active in this episode, with Tom's observations about the film's questionable logic and Crow's spot-on Ed Wood impressions providing plenty of laughs.

As always, Joel and the robots provide a unique twist on the film they're watching, offering up their own running commentary as the plot unfolds. Whether they're mocking one of the film's many cringe-inducing scenes or riffing on its laughable special effects, the gang is on point throughout the episode.

Of course, as with all MST3K episodes, "The Sinister Urge" is much more than just a movie-watching experience. It's a showcase for the irreverent humor and quick wit of its creators, both in terms of its scripting and its puppetry. The characters of Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot have become fan favorites over the years, and for good reason -- their back-and-forth banter and amusingly off-kilter observations are a big part of what makes the show so enjoyable.

Overall, "The Sinister Urge" is a classic MST3K episode, offering plenty of laughs and an entertainingly terrible movie to riff on. Fans of the series will no doubt appreciate the gang's efforts to make sense of the nonsensical plot, while newcomers will quickly find themselves caught up in the show's irreverent humor. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a curious newcomer, this episode is well worth a watch.

Watch Mystery Science Theater 3000 - The Sinister Urge (s6 e12) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent
Mystery Science Theater 3000, Season 6 Episode 12, is available to watch and stream on Syfy. You can also buy, rent Mystery Science Theater 3000 on demand at Apple TV Channels online.
  • First Aired
    November 5, 1994
  • Runtime
    92 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    2.6  (1,681)