NOVA Season 7 Episode 1
Season 7

Ep 1. Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude

  • October 2, 1979

In season 7, episode 1 of NOVA titled "Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude," viewers are taken on a journey through history to uncover the mystery surrounding navigation in the 18th century. In those times, sailors risked their lives to explore the world's oceans, often getting lost at sea due to the lack of proper navigation tools. The central problem of 18th-century navigation was determining longitude, or a ship's position relative to an east-west reference point.

The episode showcases the race to discover a reliable method for finding longitude, a task that stymied many brilliant minds for centuries. Back then, sailors could only estimate their ship's longitude by using dead reckoning, a method that relied on estimating their speed and direction. It was not a fool-proof method and often led to ships being off-course by many miles. Because of this, many ships run aground, causing loss of lives, cargo, and trade goods.

In this episode, viewers learn about John Harrison, a self-taught English carpenter who was convinced he had a solution to the longitude problem. Harrison believed that the key to finding longitude relied on the accurate measurement of time, and he set out to construct a clock that would keep accurate time while at sea. This clock was the culmination of a lifetime of work. Harrison's clocks needed to be accurate to within a few seconds per day to give an accurate estimate of longitude.

NOVA explores the journey of Harrison as he struggled to build his clocks, face ridicule and skepticism from the scientific community, and finally prove the accuracy of his invention. The episode showcases the science behind Harrison's invention by introducing various time-measuring instruments such as pendulum clocks and sextants.

Viewers will also learn about other methods used to determine longitude, such as the lunar distance method, which relied on calculating the Moon's position relative to the stars. NOVA takes viewers into the Greenwich Observatory to see how astronomers measured the position of the stars and the Moon and used it to calculate a ship's longitude. The episode also explores the role of the British government, which led a prize contest to find a reliable method for determining longitude on ships.

The episode is a historical triumph and a tribute to human ingenuity and perseverance. It also highlights the importance of science and its impact on society. Today, we take for granted the ease with which we can navigate the waters, using GPS and other advanced technologies. Still, it is important to remember that the present is the result of the hard work and struggles of those who came before us. "Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude" is a fascinating journey through history that shows us how enterprising individuals like Harrison can change the world through their innovations.

NOVA's "Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude" is a captivating episode that takes viewers on a journey through history, science, and adventure. It is a must-watch for fans of historical documentaries and those intrigued by the inventive genius of the human mind.

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  • First Aired
    October 2, 1979
  • Language