PBS Specials Season 1 Episode 3
PBS Specials
Season 1

Ep 3. Journey to Palomar

  • November 10, 2008

Journey to Palomar is the third episode of the first season of PBS Specials. This episode takes viewers on a breathtaking journey into the world of astronomy as it explores the history and significance of the Palomar Observatory.

The Palomar Observatory, located on Palomar Mountain in California, was built in the 1930s and is home to one of the largest telescopes in the world. The observatory has played a crucial role in the discovery and exploration of our universe, including the discovery of Pluto and the mapping of galaxies far beyond our own.

In this episode, viewers are taken on a behind-the-scenes tour of the Palomar Observatory and introduced to the scientists who operate the telescope. Viewers also learn about the history of the observatory, including its construction and the many important discoveries that have been made there.

The episode also delves into the larger significance of the Palomar Observatory in the world of astronomy and science. Viewers learn about the important role that telescopes and observatories play in our understanding of the universe and the many mysteries that still remain. They also gain a deeper appreciation for the complex and precise technology that goes into operating a telescope like the one at Palomar.

Throughout the episode, stunning visuals of the night sky and the Palomar Observatory transport viewers to a world beyond our own. From the silent and majestic beauty of the Milky Way to the awe-inspiring scope of the universe, Journey to Palomar offers a glimpse into the incredible mysteries and wonders of our universe.

The episode also highlights some of the challenges and obstacles faced by scientists working at the Palomar Observatory, including issues related to light pollution, climate change, and funding cuts for scientific research. Viewers gain a greater understanding of the importance of supporting scientific research and the many challenges that scientists face in their pursuit of knowledge.

Overall, Journey to Palomar is a stunning and informative exploration of the world of astronomy and the role of observatories like Palomar in our understanding of the universe. Through stunning visuals and informative interviews, this episode offers an unforgettable journey into the vast and infinite mysteries of our universe.

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  • First Aired
    November 10, 2008
  • Language