Port Protection Season 3 Episode 1
Port Protection
Season 3

Ep 1. Backwoods Fix

  • March 12, 2017

In Port Protection season 3 episode 1, titled "Backwoods Fix," viewers are taken back to the remote Alaskan village of Port Protection. With winter fast approaching, the residents are gearing up to face the harsh realities of life in the wilderness.

The episode follows several of the village's residents, each with their own unique story. We meet Sam Carlson, a skilled builder and fisherman who is working on a new project. He enlists the help of fellow resident Stuart Andrews to transport materials to a remote location where he plans to build a new cabin. The journey is dangerous, involving treacherous terrain and frigid temperatures, but the two men are up to the challenge.

Meanwhile, Mary Miller is struggling to make ends meet. As a single mother living off the land, she faces numerous challenges in providing for her son and herself. With winter fast approaching, she knows she must work hard to gather enough food and supplies to last through the long, cold months ahead. We see her fishing, hunting, and gathering berries in the woods, all while trying to stay positive and hopeful for the future.

Another resident, Timbi Porter, is busy preparing her homestead for the winter. She must chop wood, fix leaky roofs, and prepare her garden for the coming snow. She also works to maintain her relationship with her partner, Jeremy Keller, who is struggling with his own personal demons.

Throughout the episode, we get a glimpse into the daily lives of the residents of Port Protection. We see them tackling various challenges and working together to survive in a remote and often unforgiving landscape. Despite the difficulties they face, there is a sense of community and camaraderie that runs through the village.

As the episode comes to a close, we see the various projects and preparations coming together. Sam's cabin begins to take shape, Mary has gathered enough supplies to get through the winter, and Timbi's homestead is ready for the snow. The residents of Port Protection are ready to face another winter, knowing that they can rely on each other for support and survival.

"Backwoods Fix" is a powerful episode that showcases the strength and resilience of the human spirit. It is a reminder that even in the most challenging of circumstances, people can come together and overcome almost any obstacle. Viewers will be inspired by the courage and determination of the residents of Port Protection as they face the harsh realities of life in the wilderness.

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  • First Aired
    March 12, 2017
  • Language